
- 吴雪莉(Wood,Shirley),陈孝明编 著
- 出版社: 开封:河南大学出版社
- ISBN:7810183869
- 出版时间:1991
- 标注页数:302页
- 文件大小:6MB
- 文件页数:316页
- 主题词:
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Chapter Ⅰ Introduction1
1.Change and stability in English Pronunciation1
Chapter Ⅱ The Organs of Speech9
Chapter Ⅲ Vowels and Consonants13
1.The Cardinal Vowels14
2.The Cardinal Consonants17
Chapter Ⅳ The English Vowels20
1.The Front Vowels([?e,?)21
2.The Back Vowels([? u,?)26
3.The Central Vowels([?])34
Chapter Ⅴ The English Diphthongs43
1.The Closing Diphthongs([?ai,au,?i])44
2.The Centring Diphthongs([?])52
3.The Rising and Falling Diphthongs58
4.The English Triphthongs[ai?, au?]59
Chapter Ⅵ The English Consonants61
1.The English Plosive Consenants([p,b,t,d,k,g])61
1)Voiceless Plosion75
2)Incomplete Plosion77
3)Nasal Plosion78
4)Lateral Plosion80
2.The English Nasal Consonants([m,n,?])81
3.The English Lateral Consonants ([l,l])85
4.The English Fricative Consonants([f,v,?s, z,?,?,r,hi)88
5.The English Affricative Consonants[t?,d?,ts,dz,tr,dr]104
Chapter Ⅶ The English Semi-Vowels([w,j)113
Chapter Ⅷ Gradation-Strong and Weak Forms118
Chapter Ⅸ Syllable and Syllable Division131
Chapter Ⅹ Length of Vowels and Consonants136
1.Length of English Vowels136
2.Length of English Consonants138
3.Lengthening of Consonants and Vowels138
Chapter Ⅺ Word-Stress141
1.words with Single-Stress142
2.Words with Primary and Secondary Stresses144
3.Word-Stress in Compounds147
Chapter Ⅻ Sentence-Stress153
1.Prominence,Reguiarity,Length of Stressed Syllable in Connected Speech178
Chapter ⅩⅢ Stress and Rhythm178
2.Types of Rhythm179
Chapter Ⅳ Intonation184
1.Unemphatic Intonation185
1)The Falling Tune-Tune 1185
2)The Rising Tune-Tune 2191
2.The Broken Tune-The Accidental Rising201
3.Breath-Groups and Sense-Groups205
4.Treatment of Unstressed Syllables208
5.Sequence of Tunes(Simple Type)214
1)Tune 1 plus Tune 1215
2)Tune 2 plus Tune 1218
3)Tune 1 plus Tune 2223
4)Tune 2 Plus Tune 2226
6.Emphatic Intonation229
1)Emphasis for Contrast229
(1)High Fall229
(4)Low Rise238
2)Emphasis for Intensity242
(2)The Scandent Scale246
7.Compound Tunes249
1)High-Fall plus Low-Rise249
2)High Fall(s)plus High Fall255
3)High Fall(s)plus Fall-Rise256
4)Use of Marks260
1)Special Questions262
8.Special Intonation262
2)General Questions264
(2)Disjunctive Questions269
6)Some Idiomatic Expressions283
Phonetie Vo?y290
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