第3届中国国际安全生产论坛论文集 中英文本【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 梁嘉琨主编 著
- 出版社: 北京:煤炭工业出版社
- ISBN:7502029486
- 出版时间:2006
- 标注页数:695页
- 文件大小:106MB
- 文件页数:723页
- 主题词:安全生产-文集
第3届中国国际安全生产论坛论文集 中英文本PDF格式电子书版下载
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第一议题:在工业化进程中安全生产的规律、特点、经验教训以及安全生产政策与法制建设 Session 1:Work Safety in a Broader Picture of Industrialization:Characteristics,Experiences,Lessons,Legislation,Policy and Actions农民工的安全生产技能培训是降低生产事故率的关键 白越 The Key to Reduce the Ratio of Production Accident-Training the Farmer-workers for the Safety Production&Skill Bai Yue3
安全发展与构建社会主义和谐社会 金磊夫 Work Safety and Socialism Harmonious Society Jin Leifu11
中国职业安全与健康立法探讨 刘超捷 傅贵 A Review of OSH Legislation in China Liu Chaojie Fu Gui17
正视经济迅速发展阶段的安全事故 刘瑞芳 Envisaging Work Accidents Occurred in Economy Increased Period Liu Ruifang30
重大事故动力学演化——概念与基础认识 刘铁民 Dynamic Evolution of Major Accidents—Concepts and Rudiments Liu Tiemin36
探析和谐社会与“三农”安全 罗建国 何茂艳 Exploratory Research of the Safety of"San Nong"and Harmonious Society Luo Jianguo He Maoyan46
建安全国策之势,成和谐社会之业 罗云 Update Safety as a National Policy and Achieve Harmonious Society Luo Yun57
我国中小煤矿安全管理的制约因素与对策 苏丽琴 刘振铎 Countermeasures and Analysis of Restrictive Factors of Safety Management in Small and Medium-sized Coal Mine of China Su Liqin Liu Zhenduo67
试论知识管理在安全生产中的应用 王群力 Essay on the Application of Knowledge Management in the Work Safety Wang Qunli74
工作安全 社区安全——现代社会的推动力 伍达伦 Work Safe,Live Safe:The Driving Force for Modern Societies NG Tat-lun80
农民工安全培训和社会保护 于清 王晚霞 Safety Training and Social Protection for Rural Migrate Workers Yu Qing Wang Wanxia89
丹麦职业安全健康体系 詹森 Danish OSH System Priorities Jens Jensen95
促进职安,缔造和谐 张建宗 Cultivating Social Harmony through PromotingWork Safety Cheung Kin-chung100
有章必循 违章必究——安全管理的执行力 张国忠 To Have Regulations to Follow,to Investigate the Violations of the Regulation—The Enforcement of Safety Management Zhang Guozhong111
工伤预防和安全促进的综合方案 赵埈佖 A Comprehensive Approach of Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Joon Pil Cho117
第二议题:企业谈安全生产 Session 2:Safety Practices of the World's Leading Companies125
不断完善企业安全生产长效机制 促进经济与社会协调发展 王天普125
采取措施预防发生在工作场所中难以修复的视觉损伤和听力损伤 艾逢时 Protection Against Irreversible&Insidious Damage on Hearing and Sight in Workplace Mr.Francis Allirot128
坚持以人为本,努力创建本质安全型企业 陈必亭 Adopting the Approach of"People-oriented"and Creating an Intrinsically Safe Enterprise Chen Biting138
矿用机械的设计和制造安全 戴维·哈德森 Mining Machinery:Safety in Design and Manufacture David C.Hudson146
柯达的健康、安全、环保管理:负责任的发展 凯盛 Health,Safety and Environmental Stewardship at Kodak David M.Kiser159
预防、领导力、操作纪律及科学的方法:安全发展的四大支柱 马维诺 Prevention,Leadership,Operational Discipline and Science:Pillars of Safe Development Mark Vergnano167
煤矿安全——结合人性化和经济利益为一体的采煤业成功基本因素 吾尔雷西·韦博 Mine Safety—a Fundamental Success Parameter for Coal Mining,Integrating Ethical and Economic Goals Ulrich Weber172
职业安全、伙伴关系——构筑职业安全领域的全面合作伙伴关系 余俊雄 Occupational Safety is a Partnership—Establish Comprehensive Cooperative Partnership in the Occupational Safety Field Kenneth Yu178
第三议题:企业主体责任和政府监管职责 Session 3:Corporate and Governmental Safety Responsibility185
政府企业共创自主煤矿安全 安腾胜良 Autonomous Mine Safety by Corporate Accountability and the Role of Government Katsuyoshi Ando185
香港特别行政区公营部门与机构就其工程承建商安全表现的监控制度 彭国林 Control Regimes over Contractors' Safety Performance Adopted by the Public Sector of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Pang Kwok Lam204
美国化学安全与危险调查局:帮助管理人员了解重大化学事故起因的重要调查工作 卡罗琳·梅里特 US Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board:Key Investigations that Help Managers Understand Causes for Catastrophic Chemical Accidents Carolyn W.Merritt218
波兰硬煤煤矿安全生产管理的成效评估 约瑟夫·杜宾斯基 Assessment of Safety Management Effectiveness in Polish Hard Coal Mines Prof.Józef Dubiński228
力拓矿业安全旅途:成就与挑战 多沃德·金 The Safety Journey at Rio Tinto:Progress and Challenges Elaine J Dorward-King236
搭建政府企业沟通桥梁 为冶金企业安全管理服务 谷庆红 Bridging the Governments and the Enterprises to Serve for Safety Management in Metallurgical Industry Gu Qinghong247
解析中国煤矿安全监察机制 顾秀根 李红梅 Analysis of the Coal Mines' Safety Supervision System in China Gu Xiugen Li Hongmei253
企业安全管理能力的内涵与提升方法研究 李志祥 刘铁忠 王梓薇 Research on the Connotation and Upgrading Methods of Firm's Safety Management Capability Li Zhixiang Liu Tiezhong Wang Ziwei262
安全审计及其在矿山工业的应用 秦健民 Safety Audit and Its Applications in Mining Industries James J.Qin270
煤矿安全监控系统应用中存在的问题与对策 魏乐平 Problems and Countermeasures in the Application of Coal Mining Safety Supervisory System Wei Leping278
博弈论在煤矿安全监控研究中的应用 吴秀仪 刘长武 沈荣喜 Application of Game Theory in Coal Mine Safety Supervision Wu Xiuyi Liu Changwu Shen Rongxi286
矿井内自生火的发生频率与房柱式采煤的自然参数与技术参数之间的关系 法兰克·可法克斯 The Relatlonshlp(Correlation)of Endogenous Mine Fire Frequency and the Natural and Technical Parameters of Wide Works Ferenc Kovács294
实行系统化、规范化安全管理,提高煤矿安全生产水平 夏欢阁 田福民 于之江 Implementing Systematic and Normative Safety Management to Enhance Work Safety Level of Coal Mine Xia huange Tian fumin Yu zhijiang313
构建莱钢安全生产长效机制 张胜生 杨富廷 Set up Long Term Effective System of Safe Production in Laiwu Steel Zhang Shengsheng Yang Futing320
第四议题:安全生产与经济社会的可持续发展 Session 4:Protection of Workers' Safety from the Perspective of Economic and Social Sustainability333
煤炭开采业中的矿工保护与经济社会发展可持续性 戴维·菲克特 Worker Protection and Economic and Social Sustainability in Coal Mining Dave Feickert333
波兰职业安全健康方面的技术、社会和经济研究与欧盟条款相关规定探讨 丹纽塔·克拉德卡 丹尼尔·波杰斯基 Technical,Social and Economic Aspects of Developments in Occupational Safety and Health-Poland's Experiences Related to Adaptation to European Union Standards Danuta Koradecka Daniel Prodgorski339
越南职业伤害监督——经济发展中的一个模型 玛露茜-维尔曼 李文 土耶特·宾 彼格·迪埃普 克瑞贝 维格曼 Occupational Injury Surveillance in Vietnam—A Model for Developing Economies H Marucci-Wellman T B.Leamon TT Tuyet Binh N Bich Diep D Kriebel DH Wegman351
确定职业伤害带来的负担——发展中的经济体面临的挑战 李文 The Determination of the Burden of Occupational Injury—Challenges in Developing Economies Tom B.Leamon355
安全经济效益型经济:未来的经济发展模式 刘伟 陶树人 Safe and Economic Benefit-Type Economy:The Novel Development Mode of Future Economy Liu Wei Tao Shuren362
生命价值:在中国的条件价值法研究 梅强 陆玉梅 The Value of a Statistical Life:A Contingent Valuation Study in China Mei Qiang Lu Yumei374
煤矿安全文化与企业效益关系研究 孙仕敏 尚闯红 Research on the Relation Between the Culture of Safety and the Benefits of Coal Enterprises Sun Shimin Shang Chuanghong382
预防和赔偿:一个铜板的两面 秦马 布鲁尔 Prevention and Compensation:Two Sides of One Medal Stefan Zimmer Joachim Breuer388
工伤保险管理模式的分析与探讨 赵振起 张开业 万成略 Analysis and Discussion on Work Injuries Insurance Management Mode Zhao Zhenqi Zhang Kaiye Wan Chenglue396
第五议题:安全生产战略与规划 Session 5:Strategies and Programmes of Occupational Safety and Health Toward Continuous Improvement409
构建预防性安全与健康文化——亚洲面临的挑战 川上冈 Developing Preventative Safety and Health Culture—Challenges in Asia Tsuyoshi Kawakami409
新加坡职业安全与卫生改革:风险管理与安全文化 何祥兴 Singapore's OSH Reform:Risk Management and Safety Culture Ho Siong Hin414
煤矿部门的职业健康及安全问题 胡赛因·伊伯拉汗 Occupational Safety and Health Problems in Mines and Quarries Sector Hussein Abdel Hay Ibrahim422
利用参与行为导向性工具包方案 提高小企业风险有效管理 井腾下恭 Support for Effective Risk Management in Small-scale Workplaces through Participatory Action-Oriented Toolkits Kazutaka Kogi428
论安全文化 里奥·凯瑞 A Culture of Safety Leo Carey436
浅谈职业病防治对构建和谐社会的重要性 罗天明 The Discussion on the Significance of Occupational Diseases Control in Building a Harmonious Society Luo Tianming443
澳门建造业发展对职业安全健康文化的影响 孙家雄 梁贵棠 The Influence of the Construction Industry of Macao on Occupational Safety and Health Culture Shuen Kahung Leong Kuaitong450
2006职业安全健康促进框架协定(No.187) 町田静治 Convention Concerning Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and ealth,2006(No.187) Seiji Machida457
建立、实施OSHMS为航空安全提供保障 王士伟 何菲亚 Establish&Implement OSHMS to Ensure the Aviation Safety Wang Shiwei He Feiya467
以人为本 实施职业健康安全管理体系 和谐发展 构建煤矿安全生产长效机制 吴永平 OSH System Based on People-Oriented Philosophy Sustainability in Coal Mine Safety and Harmonious Development Wu Yongping473
本质安全理论的若干问题研究 吴宗之 任彦斌 Inherent Safety Principles and Countermeasures in China Wu Zongzhi Ren Yanbin481
以人为本——安全管理的核心 徐国平 Humanism—the Core of Safety Management Xu Guoping493
农民工的职业健康令人担忧 许支农 Anxiety upon Farmer's Occupational Health Xu Zhinong501
第六议题:安全生产应急管理 Session 6:Emergency Management in a World of Accidents513
第一流的采矿安全总体解决方案——旨在降低安全生产的事故率,将事故发生率最小化 阿尔伯特·优戈尔 System Safety Solutions for Mining—It is the Aim of Every Work Safety System to Reduce the Accident Rate,to Minimize the Risks for accidents Albert Jugel513
煤矿作业场所的基准风险评估方法 陈维民 Baseline Risk Assessment for Coal Mime Workplace Chen Weimin518
西班牙采矿业易爆风险下的安全与健康 克劳迪奥·奥弗瑞茨 Coal Mining in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres in Spain:Safety and Health Claudio Alvarez526
基于VR的事故模拟及事故时人员疏散行为研究初探 常德强 秦华礼 陈宝智 Research of Accident Simulation and Human Evacuation Behavior in Accident Based on Virtual Reality Chang Deqiang Qin Huali Cheng Baozhi532
企业应急管理机制的建立 宫运华 寇丽平 Establishment of Emergency Management Mechanism in Enterprises Gong Yunhua Kou Liping541
北京2008奥运安全风险分析与事故应急探讨 李传贵 黄典剑 吴宗之 Discussion on Risk Analysis and Emergency Management of Peking 2008 Olympic Safety Li Chuangui Huang Dianjian Wu Zongzhi549
基于可靠性工程的矿井通风系统综合评价 倪文耀 齐黎明 Comprehensive Assessment of Mine Ventilation System on the Basis of Reliability Engineering Ni Wenyao Qi Liming559
基于LES方法的地铁火灾流场特性分析 刘松涛 周心权 王滨滨 Analysis of Flow Field Characteristic in Subway Fire Base on LES Liu Songtao Zhou Xinquan Wang Binbin567
煤与瓦斯突出能量损伤与时间效应耦合性研究 秦跃平 武玉梁 姚有利 刘先锋 宋宜猛 Coupling Time Effect and Energy Damage on Coal-gas Burst Qin Yueping Wu Yuliang Yao Youli Liu Xianfeng Song Yimeng582
工艺安全的商业案例分析 司考特·博格 The Business Case for Process Safety Scott Berger591
情景规划与假设检验:印度煤矿透水事故应急救援的方法 辛哈 Scenario Planning&Hypothesis Testing-an Effective Tool for Tackling Mine Emergencies in Indian Coal Mines with Special Reference to Inundation A.K.Sinha601
大型企业重大事故应急决策支持系统探讨 王先华 Study on Emergency Decision Support System of Major Accident in Large-scale Enterprise of China Wang Xianhua611
一项根除矿井(隧道)瓦斯爆炸的治本之策 徐弘炯 An Eradication Solution Against Mine(Tunnels)Gas Explosion at the Root of the Problem Hong Jong Shi619
锚网煤巷顶板离层影响因素及控制方法研究 沈荣喜 刘长武 吴秀仪 Influential Factors and Control Ways about Roof Bedding Separation of Coal Mining Roadway Support by Bolt-mesh Shen Rongxi Liu Changwu Wu Xiuyi639
巴斯夫防火应急专业技术 尤兹·蒂尔曼 BASF Fire Department Emergency Response Expertise Utz Tillmann646
基于三维巷道实体的煤矿重大灾害动态模拟研究 邢玉忠 康立勋 Based on Three Dimension Tunnels Entities the Great Calamity Dynamic Simulation Research of Coal Mine Xing Yuzhong Kang Lixun653
转型中国突发安全事件频发的多种解析与社会学模型 颜烨 陈凯 Diversified Analysis on and Sociological Pattern of Various Accidents in Transforming China Yan Ye Chen Kai662
地铁火灾安全与人员疏散若干问题研究 钟茂华 史聪灵 符泰然 Study of Fire Safety and Passenger Evacuation in the Subway System Zhong Maohua Shi Congling Fu Tairan674
成功的安全健康管理体系 李希霍芬 Successful Health&Safety Management Richthofen692
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