走进“形美” 古汉诗英译实践点滴【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 曹顺发著 著
- 出版社: 北京:国防工业出版社
- ISBN:7118048437
- 出版时间:2007
- 标注页数:228页
- 文件大小:5MB
- 文件页数:249页
- 主题词:古典诗歌-中国-英语-翻译-方法
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登鹳雀楼&On the Stork Tower 王之涣 1
春晓&Spring Morning 孟浩然 2
长干曲/其一/Song on the River&Ⅰ 崔颢 3
长干曲/其二/Song on the River&Ⅱ 崔颢 5
鸟鸣涧&The Dale of Singing Birds 王维 6
杂诗&Our Native Place 王维 7
相思&Love Seeds 王维 8
静夜思&Thoughts on a Still Night 李白 9
秋浦歌/其十五&My White Hair 李白 10
独坐敬亭山&Sitting Alone in Face of Mount Jingting 李白 11
逢雪宿芙蓉山&Seeking Shelter in the Lo-tus Hill on a Snowy Night 刘长卿 12
问刘十九&An Invitation 白居易 13
悯农/其一/The Peasants&Ⅰ 李绅 14
悯农/其二/The Peasants&Ⅱ 李绅 15
江雪&Snow on the River 柳宗元 16
寻隐者不遇&For an Absent Recluse 贾岛 17
乐游原&On the Plain of Tombs 李商隐 18
江上渔者&The Fisherman on the River 范仲淹 19
陶者&The Tile-Maker 梅尧臣 20
晚过水北&Passing by the Northern Shore at Dusk 欧阳修 21
江上&On the River 王安石 22
乌江&The Black River 李清照 23
咏雪/其一/Snow&Ⅰ 傅察 24
灯花&Blooming Flame 王质 26
客晓&At Dawn 沈受宏 27
舟中夜书所见&A Night Scene Viewed From a Boat 查慎行 28
苔&Moss 袁枚 29
咏柳&The Willow 贺知章 30
回乡偶书/其一/Home-Coming&Ⅰ 贺知章 31
出塞/其一/On the Frontier&Ⅰ 王昌龄 32
芙蓉楼送辛渐&Farewell to Xin Jian at Lo-tus Tower 王昌龄 33
九月九日忆山东兄弟&Thinking of My Brothers on Mountain-Climbing Day 王维 34
送元二使安西&A Farewell Song 王维 35
送沈子福归江东&Seeing a Friend off to the East 王维 36
黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵&Seeing Meng Hao-ran off at Yellow Crane Tower 李白 37
望天门山&Mount Heaven's Gate Viewed From Afar 李白 38
赠汪伦&To Wang Lun 李白 39
早发白帝城&Leaving White Emperor Town at Dawn 李白 40
别董大&Farewell to a Lutist 高适 41
绝句四首/其三/A Quatrain&Ⅲ 杜甫 42
枫桥夜泊&Mooring by Maple Bridge at Night 张继 43
夜月&A Moonlit Night 刘方平 44
滁州西涧&On the West Stream at Chuzhou 韦应物 45
早春呈水部张十八员外/其一/Early Spring Written for Secretary Zhang Ji&Ⅰ 韩愈 46
竹枝词/其一/Bamboo Branch Song&Ⅰ 刘禹锡 47
望洞庭&Lake Dongting Viewed from Afar 刘禹锡 48
暮江吟&Sunset and Moonrise on the River 白居易 49
秋夕&An Autumn Night 杜牧 50
山行&Going Uphill 杜牧 51
清明&The Mourning Day 杜牧 52
夜雨寄北&Written on a Rainy Night to a Friend in the North 李商隐 53
登飞来峰&On the Winged Peak 王安石 54
泊船瓜洲&Moored at the Ferry 王安石 55
北陂杏花&Poolside Apricot Flowers 王安石 56
春日偶成&Impromptu Lines on a Spring Day 程颢 57
六月二十七日望湖醉书/其一/Written while Drunken in Lake View Pavilion&Ⅰ 苏轼 58
饮湖上初晴后雨/其二/Drinking at the Lake First in Sunny,Then in Rainy Weather&Ⅱ 苏轼 59
题西林壁&Written on the Wall of West Forest Temple 苏轼 60
惠崇春江晓景&Vernal Scene on a River 苏轼 61
初见嵩山&At First Sight of Mount Song 张耒 62
春游湖&A Spring Day on the Lake 徐俯 63
病牛&To a Sick Buffalo 李刚 64
晓出净慈送林子方&The Lakeside Temple at Dawn 杨万里 65
闲居初夏午睡起/其一/Rising After a Siesta in Early Summer&Ⅰ 杨万里 66
过松源晨炊漆公店&Passing by Songyuan 杨万里 67
秋夜将晓出篱门迎凉有感/其二/Early Dawn at my Wicket Gate&Ⅱ 陆游 68
十一月四日风雨大作&The Storm on the Fourth Day of the Eleventh Moon 陆游 69
梅花绝句&A Quatrain on Mume Blossoms 陆游 70
示儿&Testament to My Sons 陆游 71
四时田园杂兴/其四十四/Rural Life in Au-tumn&XLIV 范成大 72
横塘&The Lakeside Lane 范成大 73
春日&A Spring Day 朱熹 74
水口行舟/其一/Boating After a Stormy Night&Ⅰ 朱熹 75
观书有感/其一/The Book&Ⅰ 朱熹 76
题临安邸&Written in the New Capital 林升 77
约客&A Promise Broken 赵师秀 78
乡村四月&The Countryside in the Fourth Moon 翁卷 79
寒夜&A Cold Night 杜耒 80
村晚&A Village at Dusk 雷震 81
游园不值&A Closed Garden 叶绍翁 82
春暮游小园&Late Spring in a Garden 王淇 83
溪桥晚兴&One Evening on a Bridge Over the Brook 郑协 84
溪上&The Brook 刘因 85
白梅&The White Mume Blossoms 王冕 86
墨梅&Mume Blossoms Painted in Black Ink 王冕 87
海乡竹枝词/其一/A Seaside Bamboo Branch Song&Ⅰ 杨维珍 88
石灰吟&Song of the Lime 于谦 89
夏口夜泊别友人&Farewell to a Friend at Yellow Crane Tower 李梦阳 90
竹枝词/其四/Bamboo Branch Song&Ⅳ 袁宏道 91
真州绝句/其四/A Quatrain on the North-ern Shore&Ⅳ 王士祯 92
蒙阴&Mount Meng 历鹗 93
竹石&Bamboo in the Rock 郑燮 94
新雷&The First Thunder 张维屏 96
己亥杂诗/其五/Miscellanies of the Year 1839&Ⅴ 龚自珍 97
己亥杂诗/其一百二十五/Miscellanies of the Year 1839&CXXV 龚自珍 98
狱中题壁&Written on the Wall of the Prison 谭嗣同 99
送杜少府之任蜀州&Farewell to Prefect Du 王勃 100
望月怀远&Looking at the Moon and Long-ing for One Far Away 张九龄 102
过故人庄&Visiting an Old Friend 孟浩然 104
次北固山下&Passing by the Northern Mountains 王湾 106
使至塞上&On Mission to the Frontier 王维 108
汉江临眺&A View of the Han River 王维 110
终南山&Mount Eternal South 王维 112
渡荆门送别&Beyond Mount Thorn-Gate 李白 114
秋登宣城谢朓北楼&On the Northern Tower of Xie Tiao at Xuancheng in Autumn 李白 116
送友人&Farewell to a Friend 李白 118
月夜&A Moonlit Night 杜甫 120
春望&Spring View 杜甫 122
月夜忆舍弟&Thinking of My Brothers on a Moonlit Night 杜甫 124
春夜喜雨&Happy Rain on a Spring Night 杜甫 126
喜见外弟又言别&Meeting and Parting With My Cousin 李益 128
赋得古原草送别&Grass on the Ancient Plain Farewell to a Friend 白居易 130
题扬州禅智寺&The West Bamboo Temple at Yangzhou 杜牧 132
晚晴&A Sunny Evening After Rain 李商隐 134
商山早行&Early Departure 温庭筠 136
鲁山山行&Roving in the Mountains of Dew 梅尧臣 138
游大林&Visiting Mount Lu 周敦颐 140
雨过&After Rain 周紫芝 142
白菊&To White Chrysanthemums 许廷鑅 144
黄鹤楼&Yellow Crane Tower 崔颢 146
闻官军收河南河北&Recapture of the Regions North and South of the Yellow River 杜甫 148
江村&The Riverside Village 杜甫 150
蜀相&The Premier of Shu 杜甫 152
左迁至蓝关示侄孙湘&Written for My Grand-nephew at the Blue Pass 韩愈 154
酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠&Reply to Bai Juyi Whom I Meet for the First Time at a Ban-quet in Yangzhou 刘禹锡 156
钱塘江春行&Lake Qiantang in Spring 白居易 158
无题&To One Unnamed 李商隐 160
山中寡妇&A Widow in the Mountain 杜荀鹤 162
贫女&A Poor Maid 秦韬玉 164
戏答元珍&Reply to Yuan Zhen 欧阳修 166
偶成&A Random Poem 程颢 168
游山西村&The West Mountain Village 陆游 170
书愤&Indignation 陆游 172
春雨初霁&A Sunny Spring Day After a Rainy Night in the Capital 陆游 174
过零丁洋&The Lonely Ocean 文天祥 176
赴戍登程口占示家人&Before Going into Exile 林则徐 178
黄海舟中日人索句并见日俄战争地图&Lines Written at the Request of a Japanese in a Ship on the Yellow Sea After Seeing a Map of the Russo-Japanese War 秋瑾 180
江南&The Southern Rivershore 汉乐府 182
长歌行&A Slow Song 汉乐府 184
赠从弟/其二/To my Cousin&Ⅱ 刘桢 186
野田黄雀行&Song of the Yellow Bird 曹植 188
归园田居/其三/Return to Nature&Ⅲ 陶渊明 190
宿五松山下荀媪家&Passing One Night in an Old Woman's Hut at the Foot of Mount Five Pines 李白 192
望岳&Gazing on Mount Tai 杜甫 194
游子吟&Song of the Parting Son 孟郊 196
渔翁&A Fisherman 柳宗元 198
他人诗译偶选与“形美” 200
多样化的“形美”实现 207
aabb与abab韵式之利弊 211
外国人翻译古汉诗 214
天下第一联之英译 215
其他形式的“形美”实现 222
后记 225
参考文献 227
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- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_228126.html
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- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_2866070.html