

  • 李剑主编 著
  • 出版社: 北京:北京邮电大学出版社
  • ISBN:7653513883
  • 出版时间:2007
  • 标注页数:287页
  • 文件大小:29MB
  • 文件页数:300页
  • 主题词:信息系统-安全技术-英语-高等学校-教材-安全技术-英语


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Chapter 1 Hacker Attack Technology1

1.1 Definition and Classification of Attack1

1.1.1 Definition of Hacker1

1.1.2 Definition of Attack2

1.1.3 Classification of Attack2

1.2 The Process or Methodology Hackers Use to Attack3

1.2.1 Performing Reconnaissance3

1.2.2 Scanning and Enumeration4

1.2.3 Gaining Access5

1.2.4 Escalation of Privilege5

1.2.5 Maintaining Access6

1.2.6 Covering Tracks and Placing Backdoors6

1.3 The Methods and Ways of Attack7

1.3.1 Network Scanning7

1.3.2 Password Cracking Attack12

1.3.3 IP Spoofing Attack18

1.3.4 The Buffer Overflow Attack20

1.3.5 DoS Attack24

1.3.6 SQL Injection Attack30

1.3.7 Trojan Horse Attack32

1.3.8 Social Engineering34

Chapter 2 Cryptography41

2.1 Cryptography Introduction41

2.1.1 Terminology41

2.1.2 History of Cryptography and Cryptanalysis43

2.1.3 Modern Cryptography47

2.1.4 Legal Issues Involving Cryptography54

2.2 Substitution Cryptography56

2.2.1 Simple Substitution57

2.2.2 Homophonic Substitution59

2.2.3 Polyalphabetic Substitution60

2.2.4 Polygraphic Substitution61

2.2.5 Mechanical Substitution Ciphers63

2.2.6 The One-time Pad63

2.2.7 Substitution in Modern Cryptography64

2.3 Symmetric-key Cryptography64

2.3.1 Types of Symmetric-key Algorithms65

2.3.2 Speed65

2.3.3 Limitations65

2.3.4 Reversibility66

2.3.5 Attacks on Symmetric Ciphers66

2.3.6 Examples67

2.4 Public-key Cryptography67

2.4.1 History68

2.4.2 Security69

2.4.3 Applications70

2.4.4 Practical Considerations70

2.4.5 Examples76

2.5 Cryptographic Hash Function79

2.5.1 Overview79

2.5.2 Related Algorithms80

2.5.3 Cryptographic Properties80

2.5.4 Applications of Hash Functions81

2.5.5 Merkle-Damg?rd Hash Functions82

2.5.6 Hash Functions Based on Block Ciphers83

2.5.7 Hash Functions to Build other Cryptographic Primitives83

2.5.8 List of Cryptographic Hash Functions83

Chapter 3 Firewall88

3.1 Introduction88

3.2 Firewall Technologies94

3.2.1 Packet Filtering Firewall94

3.2.2 Circuit Level Gateway Firewall95

3.2.3 Application Level Gateway Firewall95

3.2.4 Stateful Multilayer Inspection Firewall96

3.3 Firewall Architectures97

3.3.1 Single-Box Architectures97

3.3.2 Screened Host Architectures101

3.3.3 Screened Subnet Architectures103

3.4 Windows Firewall108

3.4.1 Introduction108

3.4.2 Using the Exceptions Tab110

3.5 Problems and Benefits of Firewall112

3.5.1 Firewall Related Problems112

3.5.2 Benefits of a Firewall113

Chapter 4 Intrusion Detection System116

4.1 Introduction116

4.1.1 Types of Intrusion Detection Systems116

4.1.2 Passive System vs.Reactive System117

4.2 State of the Art118

4.2.1 From Intrusion Detection to Anomaly Prevention118

4.2.2 Focus on Anomaly Prevention Systems119

4.2.3 Generic Functional Architecture120

4.3 Data Collection123

4.3.1 Short Definition123

4.3.2 NIDS124

4.3.3 HIDS125

4.3.4 NNIDS125

4.3.5 Honeypot as a Sensor125

4.3.6 IPS126

4.3.7 DIDS126

4.3.8 Multi-layered Integration127

4.3.9 Correlation127

4.4 Data Processing for Detection128

4.4.1 Short Definition128

4.4.2 Misuse Detection(or Scenario Based Analysis)128

4.4.3 Anomaly Detection(or Behavior Analysis)129

4.4.4 Emerging Algorithms131

4.5 Alarms,Logs and Actions133

4.5.1 Passive Actions133

4.5.2 Active Actions133

4.6 Example:Data Mining Approaches for IDS134

4.6.1 Introduction135

4.6.2 The Architecture137

4.6.3 Mining Audit Data141

4.6.4 Feature Construction146

4.6.5 Experiments149

4.7 Known Problems with IDS149

4.7.1 Lack of Adaptivity149

4.7.2 False Positive & False Negative151

4.7.3 Field of Vision151

4.7.4 Performance152

4.7.5 Increasing Cost153

4.7.6 Complex Management Issues154

4.7.7 Evasion Techniques155

Chapter 5 Network Security Protocol159

5.1 Introduction159

5.2 Kerberos Protocol160

5.2.1 History and Development160

5.2.2 Description161

5.2.3 Use162

5.2.4 The Protocol162

5.2.5 Kerberos Operation163

5.2.6 Kerberos Drawbacks165

5.3 SSL Protocol165

5.3.1 Description165

5.3.2 Ciphers Used with SSL167

5.3.3 The SSL Handshake169

5.3.4 Server Authentication171

5.3.5 Client Authentication172

5.3.6 Applications175

5.4 SET Protocol176

5.4.1 Introduction176

5.4.2 Overview of SET Protocol177

5.4.3 SET Cryptography179

5.4.4 SET Process180

5.4.5 Certificates Insurance181

5.4.6 Security of SET181

5.4.7 Future of SET182

5.5 IPSec Protocol182

5.5.1 Current Status as a Standard183

5.5.2 Design Intent184

5.5.3 Technical Details184

5.5.4 IPSec Protocol Types186

5.5.5 Implementations191

Chapter 6 Virtual Private Network195

6.1 Authentication Mechanism195

6.2 Types of VPN196

6.3 Characteristics in Application197

6.4 Tunneling198

6.4.1 Two Types of VPN Tunneling199

6.4.2 Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol199

6.4.3 Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol201

6.4.4 SSL VPN207

6.4.5 MPLS VPN208

6.5 Various Topology Scenarios211

6.5.1 Topology 1212

6.5.2 Topology 2212

6.5.3 Topology 3213

6.5.4 Topology 4213

6.5.5 Topology 5214

6.5.6 Topology 6214

6.6 VPN Security Dialogs215

Chapter 7 Computer Virus218

7.1 Introduction218

7.1.1 Comparison with Biological Viruses218

7.1.2 Distinction between Malware and Computer Viruses219

7.1.3 Effects of Computer Viruses219

7.1.4 Use of the Word"Virus"219

7.1.5 History219

7.2 Virus Classification221

7.2.1 Boot Sector Virus221

7.2.2 Companion Virus224

7.2.3 E-mail Virus224

7.2.4 Logic Bomb227

7.2.5 Macro Virus228

7.2.6 Cross-site Scripting Virus235

7.2.7 Trojan Horse241

7.2.8 Computer Worm241

7.3 Why People Create Computer Viruses245

7.4 Replication Strategies245

7.4.1 Nonresident Viruses246

7.4.2 Resident Viruses246

7.4.3 Host Types247

7.5 Methods to Avoid Detection247

7.5.1 Avoiding Bait Files and Other Undesirable Hosts248

7.5.2 Stealth249

7.5.3 Self-modification249

7.5.4 Simple Self-modifications249

7.5.5 Encryption with a Variable Key250

7.5.6 Polymorphic Code250

7.5.7 Metamorphic Code251

7.6 Vulnerability and Countermeasures251

7.6.1 The Vulnerability of Operating Systems to Viruses251

7.6.2 The Role of Software Development252

7.6.3 Anti-virus Software and Other Countermeasures253

Chapter 8 Public-Key Infrastructure256

8.1 PKI Introduction256

8.1.1 Purpose256

8.1.2 Functions257

8.1.3 How Public and Private-key Cryptography Works258

8.1.4 Who Provides the Infrastructure259

8.1.5 PKI Typical Use260

8.1.6 Alternatives261

8.1.7 PKI History262

8.1.8 Usage Examples263

8.2 Certificate Authority263

8.2.1 Issuing a Certificate264

8.2.2 Security264

8.2.3 Public-Key Certificate265

8.3 X.509267

8.3.1 History and Usage267

8.3.2 Certificates268

8.3.3 Sample X.509 Certificates269

8.3.4 Security272

8.3.5 Public-Key Infrastructure Working Group272

8.3.6 Protocols and Standards Supporting X.509 Certificates273

8.4 Trusted Third Party273

8.4.1 An Example274

8.4.2 Actual Practice274

8.4.3 Parallels Outside Cryptography274

8.5 Certificate Revocation List275

8.5.1 CRL Introduction275

8.5.2 Problems with All CRLs276

8.6 An Example of a PKI in Action277

Chapter 9 Information Security Management282

9.1 ISO/IEC 17799282

9.2 ISO/IEC 27001284

9.3 ISM3284

