

  • 李开荣主编 著
  • 出版社: 北京:中国书籍出版社
  • ISBN:7506809095
  • 出版时间:2002
  • 标注页数:436页
  • 文件大小:16MB
  • 文件页数:469页
  • 主题词:生活(学科: 知识 学科: 英语 学科: 汉语) 生活


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(一)人 Human Being1

一、人类 Mankind1

(一)人 Human Being1

1.相貌与身材 Appearance and Stature1

一、人类 Mankind1

2.头与头发 Head and Hair3

(2)头发 Hair3

(1)头 Head3

(3)额头 Forehead4

(2)脸颊 Cheeks4

(1)脸 Face4

3.脸、脸颊和额头 Face,Cheeks and Forehead4

(1)下巴 Chin5

4.下巴与胡须 Chin and Beard5

(2)胡须 Beard,Moustache,Sideburns5

5.眼睛、眉毛等 Eyes,Eyebrows,etc.6

(1)眼睛 Eyes6

(2)眉毛 Eyebrows6

(3)眼皮 Eyelids6

(3) 牙 Teeth7

6.嘴、唇、牙 Mouth,Lips and Teeth7

(1)嘴 Mouth7

(2) 唇 Lips7

(1)鼻子 Nose8

(2)耳朵 Ears8

8.肩、脖、腰、背 Shoulders,Neck,Waist and Back8

(1)肩膀 Shoulders8

(2)脖子 Neck8

7.鼻子和耳朵 Nose and Ears8

(2)乳房 Breasts9

(3)腰 Waist9

(4)背 Back9

9.胸、乳房、肚子 Chest,Breasts and Belly9

(1)胸脯 Chest9

(3)指甲 Fingernails10

(2)手指 Finger10

(1)手 Hand10

10.手、手指等 Hand,Finger,etc.10

(3)肚子 Belly10

(1)臀 Hips11

11.臀部、腿与脚 Hips,Legs and Feet11

(4)手臂 Arms11

(5)手腕 Wrists11

(6)拳头 Fist11

(2)腿 Legs11

(3)脚 Feet12

12.肌肉与皮肤 Muscles and Skin12

(1)肌肉 Muscles12

(2)皮肤 Skin12

(1)性格 Character13

13.性格与脾气 Character and Temper13

(2)脾气 Temper18

14.人品与教养 Character and Moral Education19

(1)人品 Character19

(2)教养 Moral Education20

(2)个性 Personality21

15.气质与个性 Disposition and Personality21

(1)气质 Disposition21

(二)人与社会 Human and Society22

1.社会中的人 People in Society22

(二)人与社会 Human and Society22

2.社会角色 Social Roles26

3.社会百态 Social Figures of Different Characters31

二、人生旅程 Life-long Journey36

(一)生 Birth36

1.生育 Childbearing36

(一)生 Birth36

二、人生旅程 Life-long Journey36

2.养育 Rearing37

(二)人生阶段 Stages of Life39

1.童年时代 Childhood39

(二)人生阶段 Stages of Life39

2.青年时代 Youth42

3.晚年 Old Age43

4.死 Death45

5.殡葬 Funeral and Interment49

6.祭祀 Offering Sacrifices52

三、生活 Life54

(一)生活方式 Life Style54

1.生活类型 Kinds of Life54

三、生活 Life54

(一)生活方式 Life Style54

2.生活条件与环境 Living Conditions and Environment57

3.风俗习惯 Customs and Habits58

4.行为举止 Manners,Behaviour and Attitudes59

5.生活细节 Minute Details in Daily Life61

(二)家庭生活 Family Life65

1.恋爱 Love65

(二)家庭生活 Family Life65

(1)结婚 Marriage67

2.婚姻 Marriage67

(2)结婚用语 Marriage Terms69

(3)中式婚礼 Traditional Chinese Marriage Ceremony71

(4)西式婚礼 Western Marriage Ceremony72

(5)结婚纪念 Wedding Anniversary73

(6)婚变 Separation and Divorce73

(1)家庭类型 Kinds of Family74

3.家庭 Family74

(2)家庭事务 Family Affairs75

4.家庭成员与社会关系 Family Members and Social Relationships77

(1)祖辈与祖父母 Ancestors and Grandparents77

(2)父母 Father and Mother77

(3)夫妻 Husband and Wife78

(4)子女 Childen79

(5)兄弟、姐妹 Brothers and Sisters81

(6)叔、伯、舅、姨、姑等 Uncles,Aunts,etc.82

(7)亲戚及其他 Relations,Relatives and Others83

(8)姓名 Surnames and Given or first Names85

(三)精神生活 Spiritual Life86

1.思想感情 Thoughts and Feelings86

(三)精神生活 Spiritual Life86

2.精神与态度 Spirit and Attitude88

3.品质与资格 Virtue,Quality and Qualification90

4.快乐与幸福 Pleasure,Joy and Happiness90

5.笑 Laugh and Smile93

6.怒、气、愤 Anger,Rage,Fury and Indignation95

7.痛苦与忧愁 Sufferings,Worries and Anxieties97

8.哭泣 Crying and Weeping99

1.自然 Nature101

(四)生活常识 Common Knowledge in Daily Life101

(四)生活常识 Common Knowledge in Daily Life101

(1)日、月、星、空 Sky,Star,Sun and Moon101

(2)四季 Four Seasons102

(3)气候 Climate104

(4)天气 Weather104

(5)风 Wind105

(6)云 Cloud106

(7)雷、雨、闪电等 Thunder,Rain,Lightning,etc.107

(8)冰、霜、雪、雾等 Ice,Frost,Snow,Fog,etc.108

2.时间 Time109

(1)一般用语 General Terms109

(2)日 Day112

(3)上、下午 Morning and Afternoon113

(4)夜晚 Evening and Night114

3.日期 Date116

(1)年 Year116

(3)周、季度与其他 Week,Quarter,etc.117

(2)月 Month117

4.方向与位置 Direction and Position119

5.声音 Sounds and Voices122

(1)人发出的声音 Human Voices and Sounds122

(3)其他声音 Other Sounds124

(2)动物发出的声音 Animal Sounds124

四、物质生活 Material Life127

(一)生活用品 Daily Necessities127

1.衣料 Drapery127

(1)衣料 Drapery127

(一)生活用品 Daily Necessities127

四、物质生活 Material Life127

(2)布料 Cloth127

(3)绸、罗、锦、缎等 Silk,Gauze,Brocade,etc.128

(4)呢绒衣料 Woolen Coatings129

(5)化纤衣料 Chemical Fibre Coatings129

(6)质地、花色、尺寸等 Texture,Design,Colour,Measurement,etc.129

2.服装 Garments130

(1)服装种类 Kinds of Clothes130

(2)男装 Men s Clothing131

(3)女装 Women s Clothing133

(4)儿童服装 Children s Clothing134

(5)其他 Others135

3.鞋类 Shoes136

(1)各类鞋靴 Shoes and Boots136

(2)鞋的各部分与其他 Parts of a Shoe and Others137

(9)贵州 Guizhou137

4.袜类 Hosiery138

5.帽类 Headdress139

(1)帽子种类 Kinds of Headdress139

(2)帽子各部分 Parts of a Hat140

6.衣着用品 Articles for Clothing and Headgear140

(1)头饰、紧身、乳罩等 Headgear,Bodices,Bras,etc.140

(2)领带、裤带等 Ties,Belts,etc.141

(3)手帕 Handkerchiefs141

(4)手套 Gloves141

(5)手提包、钱包等 Handbags,Purses,Wallets,etc.141

7.化妆品 Cosmetics142

(6)其他 Others142

8.珠宝 Jewelry144

9.床上用品 Bedding145

(2)毯子与床单 Blankets and Sheets145

(1)被子 Quilts145

(3)床垫 Mats and Mattresses146

(4)枕头 Pillows146

(5)其他 Others146

10.家具 Furniture147

(1)家具种类 Kinds of Furniture147

(2)柜、橱、箱 Cabinets,Cupboards,Cases,etc.147

(3)床 Beds148

(4)屏风、衣架等 Screens,Hangers,etc.148

(5)桌 Tables and Desks149

(6)椅 Chairs149

(7)沙发、茶几 Sofas and Tea Tables150

(8)凳 Stools and Benches150

11.家用电器 Domestic Electrical Appliances150

12.小五金 Domestic Hardware152

13.文化用品 Stationery153

14.玩具 Toy155

15.杂品 Sundry Goods156

(二)食品 Food159

(二)食品 Food159

1.肉类 Meats159

2.禽蛋类 Fowls and Eggs161

(1)家禽 Poultry161

(2)猎禽类 Game Birds161

(3)蛋类 Eggs161

3.水产 Aquatic Food162

4.蔬菜 Vegetables163

(2)苹果 Apple165

(3)梨 Pear165

(1)水果种类 Kinds of Fruit165

5.水果 Fruits165

(6)樱桃 Cherry166

(8)其他水果 Other Fruits166

(7)柑橘 Orange166

(5)葡萄 Grape166

(4)桃 Peach166

(9)果汁、果味等 Fruit Juice,Fruit Flavour,etc.167

6.干果、蜜饯 Nuts and Comfits168

7.罐头食品 Canned Food168

8.糖果糕点 Sweets and Pastries169

9.烟 Tobacco and Cigarette170

(1)烟草 Tobacco170

(2)吸烟用语 Smoking Terms170

(3)烟牌名选 Some Tobacco Brands171

(三)饮食 Catering172

1.饮食业机构 Catering Organization172

2.餐馆 Restaurant172

(1)餐馆种类 Kinds of Restaurant172

(三)饮食 Catering172

(2)餐馆人员 Restaurant Personnel173

3.餐厅业务 Dining-room Service174

4.烹调术语 Cooking Terms175

5.厨房用具 Kitchen Utensils178

(1)炉灶 Ranges178

(2)煮器、容器 Cooking Utensils and Containers179

(3)洗涤、制作器具 Washing and Processing Implements179

(4)刀、勺、滤器等 Knives,Ladles,Strainers,etc.180

6.餐具 Dinner Service181

(1)餐桌用具 Tableware181

(2)盘、碗、筷、刀、叉、匙 Plates,Bowls,Chopsticks and Cutlery181

(3)酒、茶、咖啡具 Wine Set,Tea Set and Coffee Set182

7.饮料 Drink182

(1)饮料种类 Kinds of Drink183

(2)中国茶 China Tea183

(3)咖啡、可可与牛奶 Coffee,Cocoa and Milk185

(4)清凉饮料 Cooling Drinks185

8.酒 Wine186

(5)其他 Others186

9.饮酒用语 Drinking Terms188

10.食物 Food189

(1)食物种类 Kinds of Food189

(2)调味品 Condiments190

(3)米面食品 Cereal Foodstuffs191

(4)菜肴 Dishes193

11.中餐 Chinese Food194

(1)冷菜类 Cold Dishes194

(2)汤类 Soup194

(3)肉类 Meat195

(4)鸡鸭 Chicken and Duck195

(5)水产类 Aquatic Food196

(6)其他 Others196

12.西餐 Western Food197

(1)冷菜 Cold Dishes197

(2)汤类 Soup199

(3)肉类 Meat201

(4)禽蛋类 Poultry and Egg203

(5)鱼虾类 Sea Food205

(6)热沙司类 Hot Sauces206

(7)配菜类 Garnishes207

(8)素食类 Vegetarian Dishes207

(9)野味 Game207

(10)其他菜类 Other Dishes208

(11)饭后甜点 Dessert209

(12)茶点 Cakes and Pastries210

(四)服务行业 Service Trades212

(四)服务行业 Service Trades212

1.旅馆(/饭店) Hotel212

(1)旅馆分类 Hotel Classification212

(2)旅馆人员 Hotel Personnel212

(3)旅馆内部 Hotel Interior213

(4)旅馆外部 Hotel Exterior215

(5)旅馆服务 Hotel Services215

(6)接待服务 Reception Service216

(7)客房服务 Chamber Services217

(1)理发 Haircut and Hairdressing218

2.理发店 Barbershop218

(2)发式 Hairstyle219

(3)整形美容 Plastic Surgery221

(4)理发、美容工具与用品 Tools and Articles Needed in Hairdressing and Making-up222

3.公共浴室 Public Bath House224

4.洗衣店 Laundry226

(1)洗衣服务 Laundry Service226

(2)衣物洗熨 Washing and Ironing226

5.缝纫店 Tailor s Shop228

(1)缝纫服务 Tailoring Service228

(2)时装设计 Fashion Design228

(3)裁剪与缝纫 Cutting and Sewing231

(4)缝纫器具 Sewing Appliance232

6.鞋铺 Shoe Shop233

7.钟表店 Watchmaker s Shop234

(1)手表 Wrist Watch234

(2)钟 Clock236

(3)钟表匠服务 Watchmaker s Service236

8.眼镜店 Optician s Shop237

9.珠宝首饰店 Jeweller s Shop238

(1)金匠、银匠店 Goldsmith s and Silversmith s Shops238

(2)宝石店 Jeweller s Shop239

(3)金银匠、宝石匠用具 Machines,Equipment and Tools Used by Goldsmiths,Silversmiths and Lapidaries240

10.锁匠铺 Locksmith s Shop240

11.其他 Others240

五、社会生活 Social Life242

(一)社会活动 Social Activities242

五、社会生活 Social Life242

(一)社会活动 Social Activities242

1.人类活动 Human Activities and Movements242

2.劳动与生产 Labour and Production244

3.工作与职业 Work and Occupation245

4.抱负与希望 Aspiration and Hope248

5.思想、观点与意见 Thoughts,Ideas,Views and Opinions250

6.经历与机遇 Experience and Opportunity252

7.事业、成就与贡献 Cause,Achievement and Contribution254

8.荣誉与地位 Honour and Position256

9.困难与问题 Difficulties and Problems257

10.错误、失败与危机 Mistake,Failure and Crisis259

11.经验、教训与惩罚 Experiences,Lesson and Punishment260

12.人生事务 Affairs and Events in Life261

13.休息与娱乐 Rest and Recreation263

14.节假日 Festivals and Holidays265

(二)社会交往 Social Contact267

1.熟人与朋友 Acquaintances and Friends267

(二)社会交往 Social Contact267

2.宾客与招待 Guests,Visitors and Entertainment269

3.礼节 Courtesies271

(1)礼貌 Courtesy271

(2)握手、拥抱、接吻 Handshaking,Embracing and Kissing272

(三)社会福利 Social Welfare273

(三)社会福利 Social Welfare273

1.社会福利机构与人员 Social Welfare Organs,Institutions and Workers273

2.福利和福利事业 Welfare and Welfare Projects274

3.天灾人祸 Natural Disasters and Man-made Calamities275

4.救济与慈善捐助 Relief and Charitable Donation276

六、业余生活 Sparetime Life278

1.园艺 Gardening278

(一)休闲活动 Leisure Activities278

(一)休闲活动 Leisure Activities278

六、业余生活 Sparetime Life278

2.公园 Park279

3.花卉栽培 Flowers and Plants Growing280

(1)养花 Flower Raising280

(2)常见花草 Common Flowers and Plants281

4.鸽和其他鸟类饲养 Pigeon Raising and Other Aviculture282

(1)养鸽 Pigeon Raising282

(2)养鸟 Aviculture283

5.常见禽鸟 Common Birds283

(1)猛禽 Birds of Prey283

(2)游禽 Swimming Birds284

(3)涉禽 Wading Birds284

(4)鸣禽 Songbirds284

(5)海鸟 Seabirds285

(6)其他禽鸟 Other Birds285

6.钓鱼 Angling286

7.桥牌 Game of Bridge287

8.扑克 Playing Cards288

9.中国象棋 Chinese Chess289

10.麻将 Mahjong290

(1)麻将牌名称 Names of Mahjong Files290

(2)打麻将 Playing Mahjong290

11.放风筝 Kite Flying291

(二)集邮 Philately292

1.集邮与集邮工具 Philately and Tools292

(二)集邮 Philately292

12.轮盘赌 Roulette292

3.其他集邮用语 Other Philatelic Terms293

2.集邮邮票 Philatelic Stamps293

(三)打猎 Hunting295

(三)打猎 Hunting295

1.打猎 Hunting295

2.猎场和猎人 Gameland and Hunters296

(1)猎场 Gameland296

(2)猎人 Hunters296

3.狩猎器材 Hunting Equipment296

4.猎犬、猎鹰等 Gun Dogs,Falcon,etc.297

5.猎物 Game298

6.常见动物 Common Animals298

(1)灵长类 Primates298

(2)食肉兽类 Carnivores299

(3)食草兽类 Herbivores299

(4)食虫兽类 Insectivores300

(5)啮齿动物 Rodents300

(6)两栖动物 Amphibians300

(7)爬行动物 Reptiles300

七、旅游 Touring302

2.旅行社工作人员 Tourist Agents302

1.旅游用语 Tourist Terms302

(一)旅游系统 Tourist System302

七、旅游 Touring302

(一)旅游系统 Tourist System302

3.中国与国际旅游组织 Chinese and International Tourism Organizations303

(二)旅游 Tourism304

(二)旅游 Tourism304

1.旅行、观光 Travelling and Sightseeing304

2.游客 Tourists and Sightseers305

3.旅游地 Showplace306

4.旅游工具及用品 Touring Appliance308

(三)名胜古迹 Scenic Spots and Historical Sites309

(三)名胜古迹 Scenic Spots and Historical Sites309

1.中国名胜古迹选 Selected Scenic Spots and Historical Sites in China309

(1)北京 Beijing309

(2)江苏 Jiangsu312

(3)上海 Shanghai313

(4)浙江杭州 Hangzhou,Zhejiang313

(5)河南--山东 Henan--Shandong314

(6)湖南--湖北 Hunan--Hubei315

(7)陕西--四川 Shanxi--Sichuan315

(8)广东--广西 Guangdong--Guangxi316

(10)云南 Yunan317

(11)西藏 Tibet317

(17)内蒙古 Inner Mongolia318

(20)宁夏 Ningxia318

(19)甘肃 Gansu318

(18)青海 Qinghai318

(15)吉林 Jilin318

(16)辽宁 Liaoning318

(14)黑龙江 Heilongjiang318

(13)海南 Hainan318

(12)福建 Fujian318

(21)新疆 Xingjiang319

(22)台湾 Taiwan319

(23)其他 Others319

2.世界名胜古迹选 Selected World Scenic Spots and Historical Sites320

(1)亚洲 Asia320

(2)欧洲 Europe324

(3)美洲 America328

(4)非洲 Africa330

(5)大洋洲 Oceania332

(一)体育 Physical Culture333

1.体育运动 Physical Culture and Sports333

八、运动与健身 Sports and Healthy Exercises333

八、运动与健身 Sports and Healthy Exercises333

(一)体育 Physical Culture333

(1)体育运动种类 Kinds of Sport334

(2)体育锻炼 Physical Training334

(4)其他体育用语 Other Sports Terms334

(3)运动服装 Sports Wear334

2.运动会 Sports Meet335

(1)运动会种类 Kinds of Sport Meet335

(2)比赛 Competitions and Contests335

(3)比赛事务 Competition Affairs336

(4)总分、名次与记录 Scores,Ranking and Records337

3.奥林匹克运动会 Olympic Games338

4.运动员、运动队与其他体育工作者 Sportsmen,Teams and Other Physical Culture Workers339

(1)运动员 Sportsmen339

(2)运动队 Teams339

(4)其他人员 Others340

(3)体育工作者 Physical Culture Workers340

5.体育场、馆 Stadium and Gymnasium341

6.体育组织 Sports Organizations342

1.田径运动 Athletic Sports344

(二)田径 Track and Field344

(二)田径 Track and Field344

2.跳高 High Jump345

3.跳远 Broad Jump346

4.投掷 Throw346

(1)跑道 Track347

5.赛跑 Race347

(2)赛跑 Race348

(3)接力赛跑 Relay Race349

(4)跨栏比赛 Hurdle Race349

(5)竞走比赛 Walking Race350

(6)比赛工作人员与其他 Competition Officials and Others350

(三)体操 Gymnastics351

1.体操与体操运动员 Gymnastics and Gymnasts351

2.体操比赛 Gymnastics Contest351

(三)体操 Gymnastics351

4.体操与技巧动作 Exercises and Tumbling352

3.体操器械 Gymnastics Apparatus352

5.器械体操 Exercises on Apparatus353

(1)单杠 Exercises on Horizontal Bar353

(2)双杠 Exercises on Parallel Bars353

(3)高低杠 Exercises on High-low Bars353

(4)吊环 Exercises on Hand Rings354

6.艺术体操 Competitive Rhythmic Gymnastics354

(5)跳马、跳箱等 Exercises on Horse,Box,etc.354

(四)篮球 Basketball356

(四)篮球 Basketball356

1.篮球运动 Basketball356

(1)篮球场地 Basketball Court356

(2)投篮 Shooting356

(3)传球 Pass357

(4)运球 Dribbling357

2.篮球比赛 Basketball Match358

(1)比赛、规则、裁判等 Basketball Matches,Rules,Referee,etc.358

(2)篮球队与运动员 Basketball Teams and Players359

3.篮球战术 Basketball Tactics359

(1)进攻 Attack359

(2)防守 Defence360

(3)掩护、策应与紧逼 Screen,Pivot and Press360

(五)排球 Volleyball361

(五)排球 Volleyball361

1.排球运动 Volleyball361

(1)排球场 Volleyball Court361

(2)排球运动员 Volleyball Players361

(3)发球 Service361

(4)传球 Pass362

(5)扣球 Spike362

(6)拦网 Block363

(7)其他 Others363

2.排球比赛 Volleyball Match363

(1)比赛与阵势 Matches and Formations363

(2)打法 Plays364

(3)裁判事务 Referee s Affairs364

(六)足球 Football365

(六)足球 Football365

1.足球运动 Football365

(1)足球场地 Football Field365

(2)阵容与阵式 Line-up and Formation366

(3)足球战术 Football Tactics366

(4)足球用具 Football Out-fit366

2.踢足球 Football Playing367

(1)踢球 Kick367

(2)传球 Pass367

(3)顶球 Heading368

(4)射门 Shooting368

(5)其他 Others368

3.足球比赛 Football Match369

(1)比赛 Match369

(2)足球队、运动员与教练人员 Football Teams, Players and Coaching Staff370

(3)裁判事务 Referee s Affairs370

(七)乒乓球 Table Tennis371

(七)乒乓球 Table Tennis371

1.乒乓球运动 Table Tennis371

(1)球台与球网 Table and Net371

(2)球拍与握拍法 Bat and Grip371

2.打乒乓球 Table Tennis Playing371

3.乒乓球赛 Table Tennis Competition373

(1)比赛 Competition373

(2)乒乓球运动员 Table Tennis Players373

(八)羽毛球 Badminton374

(3)检录、裁判、记分等人员 Recorders,Referees,Judges,Scorers,etc.374

(八)羽毛球 Badminton374

1.羽毛球场与器械 Court and Apparatus374

2.羽毛球比赛 Badminton Competition375

(九)其他球场运动 Other Court Games376

(九)其他球场运动 Other Court Games376

1.网球 Tennis376

(1)场地与器械 Tennis Court and Apparatus376

(2)网球比赛 Tennis Competition376

2.手球 Handball377

(1)手球场与手球员 Handball Field and Players377

(2)手球比赛 Handball Match377

3.棒球 Baseball378

(1)棒球场地与器械 Baseball Field and Apparatus378

(2)棒球赛 Baseball Game379

4.板球 Cricket380

5.橄榄球 Rugby(/Football)381

6.曲棍球 Hockey382

7.高尔夫球 Golf383

8.保龄球 Bowling383

9.马球 Polo384

(十)水上运动 Water Sports384

1.游泳 Swimming384

(十)水上运动 Water Sports384

(1)游泳池、游泳衣与其他 Swimming Pool,Suit and Others384

(2)游泳运动 Swimming384

(3)游泳比赛 Swimming Competition385

(4)救生 Life Saving386

2.跳水 Diving386

(1)跳水运动 Diving386

(2)跳水比赛 Competitive Diving387

3.花样游泳 Synchronized Swimming388

(1)花样游泳运动 Synchronized Swimming388

(2)花样游泳比赛 Synchronized Swimming Competition389

4.水球 Water Polo390

(十一)冰上、雪上运动 Ice and Snow Sports391

5.滑水与冲浪 Water-skiing and Surf-riding391

(1)滑水运动 Water--skiing391

(2)冲浪运动 Surf-riding391

(十一)冰上、雪上运动 Ice and Snow Sports391

1.滑冰 Skating391

(1)滑冰场与冰上运动器具 Skating Rink and Ice Sports Requisites391

(2)滑冰运动 Skating392

2.滑雪 Skiing393

(1)滑雪运动 Skiing393

(2)滑雪装备 Skiing Outfit394

3.冰球运动 Ice Hockey394

(十二)举重 Weight Lifting395

(十二)举重 Weight Lifting395

1.举重运动 Weight Lifting395

2.举重比赛 Weight Lifting Competition395

(十三)拳击 Boxing396

1.拳击台 Boxing Ring396

2.拳击与拳击手 Boxing and Boxers396

(十三)拳击 Boxing396

3.拳击赛 Boxing Match397

(十四)摔跤 Wrestling398

(十四)摔跤 Wrestling398

1.摔跤运动 Wrestling398

2.摔跤比赛 Wrestling Match399

(十五)柔道 Judo400

1.柔道比赛 Judo Competition400

2.柔道术 Judo Technique400

(十五)柔道 Judo400

(十六)击剑 Fencing401

3.空手道 Karate401

(十六)击剑 Fencing401

1.击剑比赛 Sports Fencing401

2.剑术 Art of Fencing402

(十七)武术 Wushu(Martial Arts)403

1.中国武术 Chinese Traditional Exercises403

(十七)武术 Wushu(Martial Arts)403

2.武术练习 Exercises in Wushu405

3.太极拳 Taijiquan407

4.长拳 Changquan408

5.少林拳 Shaolinquan409

6.猴拳 Houquan(Monkey Boxing)410

7.醉拳 Zuiquan(Drunkard s Boxing)411

8.剑术 Swordplay412

(十八)健身运动 Healthy Sports413

1.健美运动 Bodybuilding413

(1)健美练习 Shape-up Exercises413

(十八)健身运动 Healthy Sports413

(2)健美比赛 Bodybuilding Competition414

2.气功 Qigong414

3.静坐 Transcendental Meditation415

4.瑜珈 Yoga417

1.射击 Shooting419

(十九)国防体育 National Defence Sports419

(1)射击场 Shooting Range419

(十九)国防体育 National Defence Sports419

(2)枪支、子弹等 Firearms,Cartridge,etc.420

(3)射击 Shooting420

2.射箭 Archery421

(1)射箭比赛 Archery Competition421

3.登山运动 Mountaineering422

(1)登山运动 Mountain Climbing422

(2)射箭工具 Tackle422

(2)登山装备 Mountaineering Equipment423

4.马术 Equestrian Sports424

(1)运动飞机 Sports Aeroplane425

(2)体育飞行 Sporting Flight425

5.航空运动 Aviation425

6.跳伞 Parachuting426

7.航空模型 Model Airplane427

8.自行车运动 Cycling427

9.摩托车运动 Motorcycling428

10.赛车 Automobile Race429

(1)比赛用帆船 Racing Yacht430

(2)帆船比赛 Yacht Race430

11.帆船 Yachting430

(1)赛艇运动 Rowing432

(2)赛艇 Rowing Boat432

12.赛艇 Rowing432

(1)划艇 Canoe433

13.划艇(/皮艇) Canoeing433

(2)划艇比赛 Regatta433

(3)桨 Oar433

(二十)棋类 Board Games434

(二十)棋类 Board Games434
