
平衡统计物理学 第2版 英文影印版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

平衡统计物理学 第2版 英文影印版
  • (加)普里斯科著 著
  • 出版社: 上海:复旦大学出版社
  • ISBN:7309052005
  • 出版时间:2006
  • 标注页数:520页
  • 文件大小:135MB
  • 文件页数:549页
  • 主题词:平衡状态(热力学)-统计物理学-研究生-教学参考资料-英文


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1 Review of Thermodynamics1

1.1 State Variables and Equations of State2

1.2 Laws of Thermodynamics3

1.2.1 First law4

1.2.2 Second law5

1.3 Thermodynamic Potentials10

1.4 Gibbs-Duhem and Maxwell Relations13

1.5 Response Functions15

1.6 Conditions for Equilibrium and Stability17

1.7 Thermodynamics of Phase Transitions19

1.8 Problems23

2 Statistical Ensembles29

2.1 Isolated Systems:MicrocanonicalEnsemble30

2.2 Systems at Fixed Temperature:Canonical Ensemble35

2.3 Grand Canonical Ensemble40

2.4 Quantum Statistics43

2.4.1 Harmonic oscillator44

2.4.2 Noninteracting fermions44

2.4.3 Noninteracting bosons45

2.4.4 Density matrix46

2.5 Maximum Entropy Principle48

2.6 Thermodynamic Variational Principles51

2.7 Problems53

3 Mean Field and Landau Theory61

3.1 Mean Field Theory of the Ising Model63

3.2 Bragg-Williams Approximation65

3.3 Order Disorder Transition69

3.4 Bethe Approximation74

3.5 Critical Behavior of Mean Field Theories77

3.6 Ising Chain:Exact Solution80

3.7 Landau Theory of Phase Transitions86

3.8 Example of Symmetry Considerations:Maier-Saupe Model89

3.9 Landau Theory of Tricritical Points96

3.10 Landau-Ginzburg Theory for Fluctuations103

3.11 Multicomponent Order Parameters:n-Vector Model107

3.12 Mean Field Theory of Fluids:Van der Waals Approach109

3.13 Problems115

4 Dense Gases and Liquids123

4.1 Virial Expansion125

4.2 Distribution Functions131

4.2.1 Pair correlation function131

4.2.2 BBGKY hierarchy137

4.2.3 Ornstein-Zernike equation138

4.3 Perturbation Theory141

4.4 Inhomogeneous Liquids143

4.4.1 Liquid-vapor interface143

4.4.2 Capillary waves149

4.5 Density-Functional Theory151

4.5.1 Functional differentiation151

4.5.2 Free-energy functionals and correlation functions153

4.5.3 Applications159

4.6 Problems161

5 Critical Phenomena Ⅰ163

5.1 Ising Model in Two Dimensions164

5.1.1 Transfer matrix164

5.1.2 Transformation to an interacting fermion problem168

5.1.3 Calculation of eigenvalues171

5.1.4 Thermodynamic functions174

5.1.5 Concluding remarks179

5.2 Series Expansions179

5.2.1 High-temperature expansions180

5.2.2 Low-temperature expansions186

5.2.3 Analysis of series186

5.3 Scaling191

5.3.1 Thermodynamic considerations191

5.3.2 Scaling hypothesis192

5.3.3 Kadanoff block spins195

5.4 Finite-Size Scaling199

5.5 Universality204

5.6 Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition206

5.7 Problems214

6 Critical Phenomena Ⅱ:The Renormalization Group217

6.1 The Ising Chain Revisited218

6.2 Fixed Points222

6.3 Position Space Renormalization:Cumulant Method228

6.3.1 First-order approximation232

6.3.2 Second-order approximation234

6.4 Other Position Space RenormalizationGroup Methods237

6.4.1 Finite lattice methods237

6.4.2 Adsorbed monolayers:Ising antiferromagnet238

6.4.3 Monte Carlo renormalization243

6.5 Phenomenological Renormalization Group246

6.6 The ε-Expansion249

6.6.1 The Gaussian model251

6.6.2 The S4 model255

6.6.3 Critical exponents to order ε258

6.6.4 Conclusion264

6.7 Problems265

7 Simulations271

7.1 Molecular Dynamics272

7.2 Monte Carlo Method277

7.2.1 Markov processes277

7.2.2 Detailed balance and the Metropolis algorithm279

7.2.3 Histogram methods282

7.3 Data Analysis284

7.3.1 Fluctuations284

7.3.2 Error estimates286

7.3.3 Extrapolation to the thermodynamic limit287

7.4 The Hopfield Model of Neural Nets290

7.5 Simulated Quenching and Annealing295

7.6 Problems298

8 Polymers and Membranes301

8.1 Linear Polymers302

8.1.1 The freely jointed chain304

8.1.2 The Gaussian chain307

8.2 Excluded Volume Effects:Flory Theory309

8.3 Polymers and the n-Vector Model313

8.4 Dense Polymer Solutions317

8.5 Membranes323

8.5.1 Phantom membranes324

8.5.2 Self-avoiding membranes327

8.5.3 Liquid membranes332

8.6 Problems336

9 Quantum Fluids339

9.1 Bose Condensation339

9.2 Superfluidity347

9.2.1 Qualitative features of superfluidity347

9.2.2 Bogoliubov theory of the 4He excitation spectrum356

9.3 Superconductivity359

9.3.1 Cooper problem360

9.3.2 BCS ground state361

9.3.3 Finite-temperature BCS theory365

9.3.4 Landau-Ginzburg theory of superconductivity369

9.4 Problems373

10 Linear Response Theory377

10.1 Exact Results378

10.1.1 Generalized susceptibility and the structure factor378

10.1.2 Thermodynamic properties385

10.1.3 Sum rules and inequalities386

10.2 Mean Field Response388

10.2.1 Dielectric function of the electron gas389

10.2.2 Weakly interacting Bose gas391

10.2.3 Excitations of the Heisenberg ferromagnet393

10.2.4 Screening and plasmons396

10.2.5 Exchange and correlation energy402

10.2.6 Phonons in metals404

10.3 Entropy Production,the Kubo Formula,and the Onsager Rela-tions for Transport Coefficients406

10.3.1 Kubo formula406

10.3.2 Entropy production and generalized currents and forces408

10.3.3 Microscopic reversibility:Onsager relations410

10.4 The Boltzmann Equation414

10.4.1 Fields,drift and collisions414

10.4.2 DC conductivity of a metal417

10.4.3 Thermal conductivity and thermoelectric effects419

10.5 Problems423

11 Disordered Systems429

11.1 Single-Particle States in Disordered Systems431

11.1.1 Electron states in one dimension432

11.1.2 Transfer matrix433

11.1.3 Localization in three dimensions439

11.1.4 Density of states441

11.2 Percolation446

11.2.1 Scaling theory of percolation448

11.2.2 Series expansions and renormalization group451

11.2.3 Conclusion453

11.3 Phase Transitions in Disordered Materials454

11.3.1 Statistical formalism and the replica trick455

11.3.2 Nature of phase transitions458

11.4 Strongly Disordered Systems463

11.4.1 Molecular glasses463

11.4.2 Spin glasses465

11.4.3 Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model470

11.5 Problems476

Appendix:Occupation Number Representation481


