
- 黄艳主编;刘军,周家斌,卢醒春,陈玲编著 著
- 出版社: 武汉:湖北教育出版社
- ISBN:7535134890
- 出版时间:2005
- 标注页数:124页
- 文件大小:5MB
- 文件页数:143页
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Care Killed a Cat 愁一愁,白了头1
In for a Penny,in for a Pound 一不做,二不休 1
目录As You Make Your Bed 自作自受1
To Be Tight-fisted 自私的2
Cast Not the First Stone 欲责他人,先思己过2
Ghost Writers 幽灵作家3
To Turn the Table 扭转战局 3
Goldbrick 假金砖4
Eat Crow 吃乌鸦5
To Get the Drop on Someone 捷足先登 5
An Apple Polisher 拍马屁的人6
Carrying a Chip on Ones Shoulder 叫阵6
To Pull a Boner 犯大错误7
An Ax to Cirind 心怀叵测8
To Touch All Bases 触遍各垒8
Bluestocking 蓝长袜9
To Get Down to Brass Tacks 言归正传9
Thumbs Down 拇指朝下10
Hand over Fist 一只手接一只手地 11
Pay through the Nose 付出巨大代价 11
The Apple of Someones Eye 掌上明珠12
Sucker 吃奶的人12
By the Grapevine 小道消息 13
Bite the Bullet 咬住子弹14
Play Possum 装负鼠14
To Logroll 滚木头 15
To Pass the Buck 推卸责任16
Lame Duck 跛鸭 16
A Fifth-wheel 没用的人17
Take Time bythe Forelock 往事不可谏,来日犹可追17
Big Ben 大本钟17
Peeping Tom 窥视他人秘密的人18
Separate the Sheep from the Goats 明辨是非;区分善恶18
Catch-22 第22条军规19
To Get One's Goat 偷走某人的山羊19
Your Name Will Be Mud 你的名字将成为泥污20
Wear Their Hearts on Their Sleeves 把心贴在袖子外面22
Handwriting on the Wall 墙上的字22
Disc Jockey 唱片骑师23
Go for It 拼一次24
Junk Food 零食 25
Turkey 火鸡 25
Talk Turkey 打开天窗说亮话26
Quiz 猜谜 26
Panic 恐慌 27
Influenza 流感 27
Abacus 算盘 27
News 新闻 28
China 中国 28
Magazine 杂志 29
School 学校 29
Hello 哈罗 29
Yankee 美国佬 30
Yankee Doodle 扬基歌 31
Okay 行啊 32
Buff 救火迷 33
Ham Actor 火腿演员 34
Bunk 废话 35
Go Haywire 乱了套35
Hobby 业余爱好36
Baloney 胡说八道 36
Blitz 闪电战 37
Diamond Cut Diamond 强中自有强中手 38
Grasp All,Lose All 贪多必失 38
Through Hardship to Stars 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人 39
Kill the Goose That Lays the Golden Egg 杀鸡取卵;竭泽而渔 39
The Apples on the Other Side of the Wall Are the Sweetest 隔墙苹果分外甜 39
East Or West,Home Is Best 千好万好,不如自己家里好 40
Empty Vessels Make the Most Sound 满瓶水不响,半瓶水晃荡 40
Carry Owl to Athens 多此一举 40
Two Dogs Fight for a Bone and a Third Runs Away with It 鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利 41
Who Chatters to You Will Chatter of You 来说是非者,便是是非人 41
A Word Spoken Is past Recalling 一言既出,驷马难追 41
You Can't Eat your Cake and Have It 鱼与熊掌不可兼得42
You May Know by a Handful the Whole Sack 一叶知秋 42
Hair Stands on End 毛骨悚然 42
To Go like a Blue Streak 快得像道蓝光 43
To Talk a Blue Streak 讲得口吐蓝光 43
Your John Hancock 你的亲笔签名 43
To Raise Cain 生了该隐 44
Bogus 冒牌 45
Boycott 联合抵制 45
Keep up with the Joneses 赶上琼斯家 46
Achilles' Heel 阿喀琉斯的脚跟48
Saint Valentine's Day 情人节 48
The Real McCoy 货真价实 49
Santa Clause 圣诞老人 51
Media 媒体 52
Old Money/New Money 老财/新富 53
Peaked 达到顶峰 55
Peasant 乡巴佬 56
Plastic Money 塑料钱 58
Put a Sock in It 别嚷嚷 59
Serious 大量的 59
Seriously 极其 60
Smokeism 禁烟主义 60
Spin-off/Fallout 副产品 62
Stroke 抚慰 62
Speak for Yourself 随你怎么说 62
Drunk as a Fish 烂醉如泥 63
Learning 学习 64
Kill the Goose 杀鸡取卵 64
Read 读书64
Box Office 盒子部 65
Charge 收费 65
Rich 有钱65
Bone Fighting 骨头打架66
Peace 和平67
Both Mistaken 都错了67
English Is Difficult to Teach 英语太难教68
Weigh 称重69
Cheap 廉价69
Bill 买单69
Accurate 精确70
Bug 计算机故障 71
Big Apple 纽约 71
Boot Up 启动 72
Bulletin Board 公告栏 72
Cyberspace 电子控制空间 73
Hacker 黑客 73
Information Superhighway 信息高速公路 74
Internet 因特网 74
Laptop 笔记本电脑 75
Mouse 鼠标 76
Surfing the Net 网上冲浪76
Thats Where I Want to Go 正是我要去的地方76
I Want to Surprise Her 我想给她一个惊喜 77
Do Not Pass 不许超车 77
Just Delivered a Package 只是来送包裹78
Why Dress like a Tourist 干嘛打扮得像个旅客78
A Wise Commander 聪明的指挥官 79
Constantly Remind Me of You 时刻让我想起你79
Ditto 原因同上 80
Which Bus to Catch 该赶哪辆车80
Pay for You All 付钱给你们大家 81
Room for Three 还有3个位子 81
God Gets an A,You Get an F 上帝得A,你得F 82
Who Sent the Wine 谁送的酒 82
What a Terrible Circus 糟糕的马戏团 83
It's Not Easy 真不容易 83
I'm Her Father 我是她爸爸 83
A Mugger 抢劫犯 84
Skinflint 吝啬鬼 84
Get Some Fresh Air 呼吸新鲜空气85
Happy Birthday 生日快乐 85
Microsoft Jokes 微软笑话 85
Honesty 诚实 86
The Big Sissy 大胆小鬼 87
Inside the Chest 躲在箱子里 87
Bump 鼓包88
Shopping with Kids 带孩子购物88
Never Believe It 绝对不会相信的 89
Nobody Can Decipher 没人看得懂 90
Just Saying Grace before His Meal 只是在做饭前祷告 91
An Act of Kindness 善意之举91
God Will Help Me 上帝会救我的 92
Not Supply Girls 不卖姑娘 93
Was Napoleon Ill 拿破仑生病了吗 94
Heat Cold 热与冷 94
Get You a Spoon 替你拿一个调羹 95
It's Hum-bug 这是一只嗡嗡虫95
Play Something the Pup Doesn't Know 拉狗听不懂的曲子 96
Mule's Long Ears 骡子的长耳朵 96
A Terrific Class 多棒的班 97
You Can't Make Him Drink 强马饮水难 97
Bad Weather 糟糕的天气 97
A Detective a Criminal 侦探与罪犯98
Can't Say You Weren't Warned 不能怪别人没有警告你98
A Bald Policeman a Hair Stylist 秃头警察与发型设计师99
Who Is Disgusting 谁可恶 99
An E-mail 一封电子邮件 99
What's Eating You 你怎么啦100
Come out of One's Shell 不再害羞 101
House Broken 不会随地大小便 101
In a Tight Spot 遇到麻烦102
On the Ball 全神贯注102
Chew the Rag 侃大山103
Brown Nosing 拍马屁103
Wild Horses Couldn't Drag It from Me 绝不泄密103
My Pantyhose Is Running 我的丝袜破了103
Got Lost Get Lost 迷路与走开104
Give Me Five 替我高兴吧104
A Hot-air Artist 吹牛大王105
Go West 上西天105
Color 颜色 105
Singular 单数的106
Kill Tirne 杀死时间106
Break into 突然干 106
Badly 差劲106
Tough 咬不动的107
The Early Bird Gets the Worm 先下手为强 107
Tender 正式提出 107
A Tried and Trusted Employee 可靠的雇员 107
Change This Dress 更衣108
In the Window 在橱窗里 108
Attends to the Nuts 接待傻瓜 108
Puts Their Nose into 干涉 108
Out of 在 外面 108
Early Settler 结账早的人 109
Be on Foot 开始 109
Make Ends Meet 将两端接上 109
Wear Away 消失 109
Shan't Be Here All That Time 活不了那么久 110
Thirteen and a Half 倒霉 110
Responsible 应负责的 110
Light 轻松的 111
A Little Swallow 小燕子 111
Drill 操练 111
A Skin Specialist 皮肤病专家 111
Kill Two Birds with One Stone 一石杀二鸟 111
Treat 请客112
Animal Doctor 会看病的动物 112
Keep in Hair 用来放头发 112
An Apple a Day 每天吃个苹果 112
Bury in Your Work 把头埋进你的工作113
Healey 健康的 113
Run-down 撞倒 113
On One's Feet 恢复健康 113
Have Water on the Knee 水至膝部 113
False 虚假的 114
Replace Your Plg 赔你的猪114
Your Contribution Is Returned with Thanks 尊稿退上114
One Swallow Does Not Make a Summer 一燕不成夏 114
Burning the Candle at Both Ends 将蜡烛两头点着115
Test 检查115
Wanted 通缉115
No Funds 存款不足115
Pick Your Teeth in Pubic 当众剔牙116
For His Lungs 找肺116
Come Across 过来116
The Greatest Healer 良医116
On Which Side Your Bread Is Buttered 哪面涂了黄油117
Notice When the Glue Boiled Over 胶水何时溢出 117
Partly Indoors and Partly Outdoors 一半在室内,一半在室外 117
Works with 5,000 People under Him 手下有5,000人 117
Look up to 仰视 117
Man Wanted for Robbery 招募人员去抢劫 118
Everything on the Menu 菜单上什么都有 118
Well Done 干得好 118
Finger in My Soup 手指在汤里 118
Thick 愚笨的 119
Pretty Hot 太烫了119
Griddle Cakes Be Long 烙饼是长的 119
Rich 致富 119
Right-hand/Left-handed 最得力的人/左撇子 119
Floor 议员席 120
House 众议院 120
For My Wife and Family 换取妻子和家庭 120
Fire at Will 向Will开炮 120
Suit 套服 121
A Criminal Lawyer 有罪的律师 121
Make My Bread 烤面包 121
Offer 奉献 121
Bear 忍受 122
Liying 躺着 122
Cast Iron Sinks 铸铁会下沉 122
Fine Cooler 天晴与转凉 122
Your Honor My Honor 阁下与我的面子 123
Going Gone 兴隆与倒闭 123
My Business 我的工作 123
Hey Hay 什么与干草 124
Lay 下蛋 124
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