
- 王黎等编著 著
- 出版社: 西安:西安电子科技大学出版社
- ISBN:7560605826
- 出版时间:1998
- 标注页数:309页
- 文件大小:7MB
- 文件页数:325页
- 主题词:
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1.The Rose Bush and the Apple Tree 玫瑰花与苹果树1
2.Life in the Deep 深渊中的生命4
3.Handy and Jazz 汉迪和爵士音乐8
4.A New Need for Traffic Light 太空中也需要交通灯12
5.Cells: Building Blocks of Life 细胞:生命的结构单位16
6.Fleet,Fleet Beat the Wind 风驰电掣19
7.The Black Snow 黑雪22
8.Wind+Water=Wave 风+水=浪26
9.How Do They Get Those Colors Inside Your TV? 电视里五颜六色是怎样产生的?30
10.What a Fine Web It Weaves 织网能手33
11.The World’s Largest Library 世界上最大的图书馆37
12.Errors that Never Got Corrected 将错就错40
13.Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 雪夜林边停留43
14.Nutrients--What Would You Be Without Them? 没有营养你会是什么样子?47
15.Genius at Work 天才在工作50
16.One Vote for Peace 维护和平的一票54
17.Check-ups for Children 孩子们的医生57
18.Our Sun Will Become a Black Dwarf 我们的太阳会变成一个漆黑的矮星61
19.Working Together,Enemies Become Friends 共同努力,化敌为友65
20.The Salt in the Sea 海水里的盐69
21.Seven Wonders of the Ancient World 古代世界的七大奇迹72
22.A Music Wonder 音乐奇才76
23.Play Hard,Play Fair,Nobody Hurts 努力拼搏,公平竞争,无人受伤害79
24.How to Make a Mummy 木乃伊是怎样制作的83
25.A Career in Cultures and Customs 研究文化习俗的人87
26.A Strange and Mysterious Island 奇怪而神秘的小岛91
27.The First Slaves in America 美洲的第一批黑奴95
28.The Trick of Fire-Eating 吞火的秘密99
29.One Complicated Piece Of Machinery:You! 你的身体--一台复杂的机器103
30.The Rocky Road to the Olympics 通向奥林匹克的坎坷之路107
31.Pearls 珍珠110
32.Tuning in Around the World 遍布全世界的收视113
33.Fashion Queen 时髦女王117
34.Disney’s Dreamland 迪斯尼的幻想世界121
35.The Birth of Basketball 篮球的来历125
36.So You Think You Have a Long Walk to School? 去学校的路还算远吗?130
37.Give It Your Heartfelt Thanks 衷心地感谢你的心脏134
38.Back to Bare-Knuckle Boxing 恢复徒手拳击138
39.It Takes More Than Wishing on a Star 只是想成名还不够141
40.When a Good Horse Must Be Killed 非得毁掉一匹良驹?144
41.Pitching Practice Pays Off 功夫不负有心人148
42.The Young Hockey Player 年轻的曲棍球手151
43.Computers:Shrinking in Size But Growing in Importance 计算机:体积越来越小,重要性却越来越大155
44.The Most Treasure Stone 最珍贵的宝石159
45.A Tower of History 饱经沧桑的伦敦塔163
46.The Disaster 天灾167
47.The Thief and His Mother 小偷和他的母亲171
48.Calisthenics for the Chorus 演唱前的“柔软体操”175
49.What’s Inside? 游戏机里有什么?179
50.Air Pollution Indoors 室内空气污染182
51.What’s It Like Outside? 外面天气怎么样?185
52.The Historical Barbecue 历史上的野外宴会189
53.Rats 老鼠194
54.Insects for Dinner 以昆虫为餐198
55.The Fastest Land Animal 跑得最快的陆地动物202
56.The Last Soldier 最后一名士兵207
57.Champlain’s Choice of Friends 钱普伦选择朋友211
58.A Greek to Remember 一位应该纪念的希腊人215
59.The Story of Storks 鹤的故事219
60.Power from Nature’s Vapor 天然蒸气发电223
61.Crack Shot 残酷的神枪手227
62.The Importance of Rivers 河流的重要意义231
63.Bird or Mammal? 是鸟类还是哺乳动物?235
64.Strength in Numbers 群体的力量239
65.Hello! 喂!243
66.The Graveyard of Elephants 大象墓园247
67.Indians Laugh,Too! 印第安人也会笑!251
68.The Century Flower 世纪之花255
69.Knee-Deep in Water 站在没膝深的水里259
70.A Fifty-Year Wait 50年的等待263
71.The Country Maid and Her Milk-can 村姑和她的牛奶罐267
72.Medicine for the American Indian 美洲印第安人的药271
73.The Forgotten Mile 被忘却的一英里276
74.Who’s Superstitious? 谁迷信?280
75.A Wise Man 一个智慧的人284
76.Honesty Is the Best Policy 诚实为上策288
77.A Good Christmas? 一个愉快的圣诞节?292
78.Want to Buy the Brooklyn Bridge? 想买下布鲁克林大桥吗?297
79.A Weather Forecast 一则天气预报301
80.The Boy and the Snake 男孩和蛇305
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