最新美语流行语手册 快乐休闲篇【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 白瑞霞,孙文龙编著 著
- 出版社: 北京:新世界出版社
- ISBN:7800056724
- 出版时间:2002
- 标注页数:332页
- 文件大小:6MB
- 文件页数:371页
- 主题词:
最新美语流行语手册 快乐休闲篇PDF格式电子书版下载
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1 (out)on the town狂欢作乐1
2 (a)babe in the wood(s)生手,初出茅庐者1
3 (as)clear as a bell非常清楚2
4 a bird in bush未到手的东西,未定局的事情3
5 a bit of a bind有点讨厌4
6 a bolt from the blue晴天霹雳4
7 a dark horse黑马,实力难测的人5
8 a fall guy替身演员6
9 a flash in the pan昙花一现7
10 a fool for woman老色迷8
12 a freeloader白吃白喝、爱占便宜的人9
11 a freak of nature怪物,不正常的人9
13 a late bloomer大器晚成者10
14 a lion in the way拦路虎11
15 a natural crier天生爱哭的人11
16 a new lease of life新的更美好的生活;精神焕发12
17 a night owl夜猫子,夜间工作者13
18 a stick-in-the-mud老古董14
19 a two-faced person两面派14
20 after one's own heart正中下怀,称心如意15
21 against all the odds尽管有极大的困难16
22 aim high胸怀大志17
23 air one's dirty linen家丑外扬17
24 an ugly duckling丑小鸭18
25 as a rule平常发生的事情或真理19
26 as far as远到,一直到;就……,尽20
27 as like as two peas in a pod一模一样21
28 at hand手边22
29 back bumer暂时停止,暂时不予重视23
30 back out退出24
31 bark up the wrong tree找错(弄错、看错)目标;白费精力25
32 be after doing something在做某事26
33 be all ears聚精会神地听27
34 be all eyes目不转睛;十分关注28
36 be attached to喜爱29
35 be all eyes全神贯注地看29
37 be beside oneself极度兴奋,神态失常,忘乎所以30
38 be big of很大方,好心31
39 be big on特别喜爱,偏爱31
40 be bound to确定,肯定32
41 be dressed to kill打扮得花枝招展33
42 be dying for很想34
43 be gone over someone爱上某人34
44 be in the public eye有名,常出入公众场合35
45 be large for对……狂热至极36
46 be made of money有钱37
47 be on one's toes警觉37
48 be on the bum过流浪生活,游手好闲38
49 be over the hill人到中年39
50 before you/one can/could say JackRobinson说时迟那时快,转眼之间40
51 below the mark不够标准;不能胜任41
52 best bib and tucker最好(或最正规)的衣服42
53 between Scylla and Charybdis进退两难,腹背受敌43
54 beyond compare绝佳,极好44
55 big-time spender出手很阔的人45
56 bits and pieces零碎小东西46
57 blind date由人介绍的初次约会47
58 blink失灵47
59 blooper愚蠢的错误,大错误48
60 blow one's own hom自吹自擂49
62 blow-out盛大的聚会50
61 blow up给车胎打气;放大照片50
63 boob tube电视机51
64 bosom friends知心朋友52
65 bright and early一大早52
66 bring down the house博得全场喝彩54
67 bring someone to his knees迫使某人屈服55
68 bring something to a close终止某事,结束某事55
69 brush off不愿听;不客气地拒绝56
70 bug someone使人心烦,另人讨厌;窃听57
71 build up增强;增进;逐步积累58
72 bump into邂逅;偶遇59
73 burn a hole in one's pocket有钱就花光,存不住钱60
74 bury one's head in the sand不敢正视现实61
75 buy sb.off向……行贿送礼,收买62
76 buy something on the cheap很便宜地买进某物,贪便宜62
77 by and by稍晚,不久以后63
78 by good luck幸亏,侥幸64
79 call on探望;号召65
80 carry a chip on one's shoulder盛气凌人;好斗65
81 carry all before one大获全胜66
82 carry away激动,感动67
83 cast a cloud over浇冷水68
84 chalk up to experience算是买个教训69
85 charm somebody up诱哄某人70
86 chase(after)rainbows做白日梦71
87 cheap as dirt非常便宜72
88 cheapie便宜的东西;下等的人73
89 cheat the joumey消磨旅途时光73
90 cheek by jowl摩肩接踵74
91 come in handy派得上用场75
92 con artist大骗子手76
93 cope with应付77
94 cost an arm and a leg价格昂贵,宰人78
95 count sheep数数以入睡79
96 crack up(laugh)说笑活,说俏皮话,嘲弄,大笑79
97 cream of the crop精华,精选物,精英80
98 crop one's feather杀杀某人的威风81
100 cup to be full(或running over)不幸极了;幸福极了82
99 cup of tea心爱之物82
101 cut and dried陈套;已成定局的83
102 cut and run连忙逃走,急忙离开85
103 cut-rate打折扣的,廉价的86
104 dead as a doomail死定;被彻底废弃,确已死了的87
105 dice with death赌命88
106 dig up挖掘出;查明,找出88
107 dirt cheap非常便宜的89
108 don't cross the bridge before you come to it别操之过急90
109 donkey's years很久,多年90
110 draw a blank落空,一无所获91
111 drink like a fish大喝,贪杯92
112 drink sb.under the table把某人灌醉93
113 drive someone crazy使某人发疯,逼得某人受不了94
114 duck shoot轻而易举的事,小菜一碟95
115 dude ranch度假或观光牧场95
116 easy as falling off a log很容易96
117 easy street富裕97
118 eat cows丢脸98
119 eat one's cake and have it事难两全;针无两头利98
120 eat/drink one's fill尽量吃喝99
121 elbow-room足够的空间100
122 fair and square公平适当101
124 fall on deaf ears未被理睬,未受到重视102
123 fall behind落后102
125 fat cat大款103
126 feast one's eyes on something尽情地欣赏,一饱眼福104
127 fell/look like a million dollars感觉/看上去特别好,特别得意105
128 fiddle with...瞎摆弄106
129 fill the bill完全合适;正符合107
130 fill up装满;填掉;填写(文件、表格等)107
131 fish or cut bait做出决定,不是干这个,就是干那个108
132 fit like a glove正合适109
133 follow one's nose一直走;随着你闻到的味道去找什么东西或什么地方110
134 foot the bill付款,负担费用111
135 for a change换换环境112
136 for free免费的113
137 for good永远114
138 forgive and forget握手言欢114
139 free and easy闲散自在的115
140 freebie免费物116
141 from Dan to Beersheba从一端到另一端116
142 gain weight体重增加117
143 Garrison finish出乎意料的结局118
144 geared up渴望的,热切的盼望119
145 get a free ride免费享受120
146 get a kick out of doing something从……得到很大的乐趣121
147 in one's blood上瘾122
148 one's teeth into集中精力;废寝忘食123
149 get out of hand无法控制123
150 get the bulge on胜过,占……的优势124
151 the drop on sb.先发制人,抢在某人的前面125
152 get two left feet极其笨拙;笨手笨脚126
153 get up on the wrong side of the bed一整天情绪都不好,气不顺126
154 gild/paint the lily画蛇添足,锦上添花,徒劳无益127
155 give a good/poor account of oneself以实际行动赢取(失去)别人的喝彩129
156 give air to倾诉,说出129
157 give sb.credit for为……赞扬某人,给某人应有的承认130
158 give sb.the bird嘘某人,给某人喝倒彩131
159 give somebody a lift让某人搭个便车132
160 give someone the eye眉目传情132
161 give vent to大大地发泄133
162 go all out竭尽全力134
163 go down hill走下坡路,逐渐变坏135
164 go Dutch各付各的钱136
165 go for a spin出去兜风136
166 go for broke孤注一掷137
167 go for喜欢,受……吸引138
168 go halves(on sth.)与某人平分某物或均摊费用139
169 go overboard鲁莽行事,在没有很好地考虑后果的情况下就采取行动140
170 go strong精力充沛;运行顺利141
171 go to bat for为……出力,支持,对……有利142
172 go to one's head(酒)使人醉143
173 go to pieces精神崩溃144
174 go to the dogs堕落,毁灭144
175 go with the flow顺其自然145
176 good-time Charlie乐天派146
177 grab a bite吃小吃,吃点心147
178 greed...is good欲望……是好事147
179 grunge蹩脚货,难看的东西,乏味的东西148
180 gussy up精心打扮;翻新149
181 hack around无所事事,游手好闲150
182 hard on很容易的,很快把某物用坏151
183 have a barrel of fun玩得很开心152
184 have a face that would stop a clock其丑无比152
185 have a field day玩得分外高兴153
186 have a fit大吃一惊154
188 have a sharp figure身材好155
187 have a heart of stone残酷155
189 have a sweet tooth喜食甜食156
190 have an eye for有眼光,有鉴赏力157
191 have bats in the belfry想法怪诞,异想天开158
192 have no stomach for对……没有兴趣158
193 have one's ear to the ground关心时事,关心即将发生的事159
194 have one's heart set on something决心做某事160
195 have other fish to fry有重要的事干;另有他图161
196 have something on one随身携带162
197 have something on one's hands手里有难以处理的事情,有待处理162
198 have something/somebody on thebrain常想某事/某人,迷恋某事/某人163
199 heads or tails掷钱币时决定用语163
200 heat wave热浪,酷暑164
201 hide one's light under a bushel深藏不露165
202 hit the headlines一炮走红166
203 hit the panic button惊慌失措167
204 honey-cakes心肝,宝贝儿168
205 hook it匆忙离开,远走高飞169
206 hope against hope明知无用仍妄想,对某事物仍抱有一线希望,抱万一希望169
207 how come…?询问某人某事为何会发生170
208 if you can't beat'em,join'em如果无法改变他们,就加入他们171
209 impulse buying冲动之下购物172
210 in a twinkling of an eye瞬间173
211 in a way在某种程度上,从某方面看174
212 in dog days三伏天;酷暑期175
213 in fits and starts做做停停,不能连贯一气176
214 in one's/the minds eye在记忆中,在想象中177
215 in season应时的;及时的178
216 in someone's eyes在某人看来179
217 in stitches笑不可支179
218 in the air未定180
219 in the long run毕竟,终究;从长远来看181
220 in the matter of就……而言,在……方面182
221 in the teeth of抵挡着……的全部力量,不顾183
222 in touch with有接触184
223 ins and outs迂回曲折;底细;复杂情况185
224 itineraries旅游日程186
225 join the club同病相怜186
226 just about几乎差不多;将要,正准备做某事187
227 just as well无妨,无所谓188
228 keep company with与……结伴,和……在一起189
229 keep up with the Joneses显示财势,不甘示弱190
230 kick oneself自责191
231 kick up one's heels自由自在地享受一番191
232 knock down减价,还价192
233 know a hawk from a handsaw有鉴别力;有常识193
234 laugh in/up one's sleeve暗自好笑194
235 lean toward(s)偏爱195
236 leave(someone)cold不感兴趣196
237 leave no stone unturned千方百计,想方设法197
238 let the cat out of the bag泄露秘密198
239 let up不好的事物或境遇得以停止或缓解199
240 like anything拼命地做某事200
241 line up排队,组织201
242 little things please little minds小娃娃爱小事202
243 live it up尽情享乐202
244 look like a drowned rat湿得像只落汤鸡203
245 lose heart灰心204
246 lose one's shirt输得精光204
247 lose sight of没有顾及;断了音信205
248 louse up弄糟,毁坏206
249 make a good job of something干得漂亮207
250 make a noise in the world引起轰动,名噪一时208
252 make believe假装;幻想209
251 make allowance(s)for体贴,照顾,考虑到209
253 make certain of/that把……弄明白,保证使……万无一失210
254 make certain弄清楚,确定下来211
255 make eyes at眉目传情212
256 make fun of开玩笑,取笑于212
257 make one's blood run cold使某人不寒而栗,毛骨悚然213
258 make one's way功成名就214
259 make sense有意义,说得通215
260 make someone's day使之极为愉快216
261 make someone's blood run cold使……惊恐217
262 make someone's hair stand on end使某人极度恐惧217
263 make someone's mouth water使人流口水218
265 move heaven and earth千方百计,竭尽全力219
264 meat and drink精神寄托219
266 my fingers are all thumbs笨手笨脚220
267 nab(grab,snag,catch)抓取,捉住221
268 neck or nothing孤注一掷地,铤而走险地222
269 no account没用的人223
270 no relish for对……没兴趣,不喜欢224
271 none of that别来了/别再这样做/不要这样224
272 none too毫不225
273 nose about打听,刺探226
274 nose in a book只顾读书;手不释卷227
275 not darken someone's door不再登某人家的门槛227
276 not much不多;哪里的话,当然不228
277 not to be sneezed at不可轻视,等闲视之229
278 odds and ends七零八碎的东西230
279 old habits die hard积习难改230
280 old hand老手,行家231
281 on a shoestring微小的,便宜的;小规模的232
282 on the air正在广播或播放中233
283 on the bend狂欢,纵情欢乐234
284 on the tip of my tongue就在嘴边儿235
285 on the way out行将过时,行将消灭;失败235
286 one's bark is worse than his bite刀子嘴,豆腐心236
287 one's hair stands on end怒发冲冠237
289 out of the blue突然,出乎意料238
288 out of hand失控238
290 over easy(荷包蛋)两面都煎239
291 over-hype(publicized without good reason)过度宣扬240
292 paint the town red(have a riotously good time)狂欢庆祝241
293 par for the course预料之中的事242
294 park on the couch(be a couch potato,sit on the couch)卧躺(坐)在沙发上243
295 pay through the nose付出很高价钱244
296 peer pressure攀比,(来自)同伴的压力245
297 people of his sort他这样的人245
298 pep talk具有鼓励性的谈话246
299 pick and choose挑挑拣拣247
300 pick up the treads(一段时期无所事事后)恢复工作248
301 play out筋疲力尽,花样玩老了248
302 play something close to one's chest把某事藏在心间;对某事小心谨慎249
303 play the mischief with给……捣乱;弄糟,弄乱250
304 pluck up one's courage鼓起勇气,振作起来251
305 prick up one's ears仔细听251
306 put a damper on扫……的兴;抑制……的发展252
307 put aside把……放在一边253
308 put on上演;假装;增加;穿衣254
309 put one's foot down坚决,坚持255
310 put oneself out费神;不怕麻烦255
311 put somebody on a diet节食256
312 put sth.out of one's head不再想,忘掉257
313 rain or shine风雨无阻;无论如何258
314 raise one's eyebrows(at)扬起眉毛258
315 reach-me-downs现成的(衣服),穿旧的259
316 refuse to be seen dead绝不做260
317 return a/the compliment投桃报李,回报261
318 return to the fold浪子回头;返乡262
319 rise to a/the bait中圈套,上钩262
320 roll around转动;季节循环,周而复始263
321 roll in the aisles笑不可支,笑倒在地264
322 roll with the punches逆来顺受265
323 roses all the way一帆风顺265
324 run into a fortune发了财266
325 run low减少;快耗尽了267
326 run rings around显然优于……;超过268
328 scare/frighten out of one's wits胆子都吓破了,吓呆了269
327 save on节省269
329 sell out出售一空;出卖270
330 send someone packing撵走271
331 serve someone hand and foot服务周到272
332 set one's heart/mind on抱定心意,一心想要273
333 set one's face against拒绝做(同意)274
334 set one's heart on something非常想要274
335 shake one's fist气得朝空中挥拳275
336 share a ride与别人合乘一辆车;让别人搭车276
337 sick and tired厌倦276
338 sing one's praises歌颂;赞美277
339 sound like听起来好像278
340 spick and span干净整洁,崭新漂亮279
341 spine-chilling令人毛骨悚然280
342 split one's sides laughing捧腹大笑281
343 stand on one's feet/legs自食其力282
344 stop off顺道停一下283
345 take a hand插一脚,有一份283
346 take it from me相信我的话284
347 take kindly to乐意接受,欣然喜欢上285
348 take one's time慢慢来,别急286
349 take pot luck吃家常便饭287
350 take root生了根288
351 take the bit between one's teeth打定主意,义无返顾288
352 take things as they come安于现状,随遇而安289
353 take time费功夫290
354 take to one's heart/bosom衷心热爱291
355 the beautiful people因时髦,富有而受人羡慕者292
356 the pot calling the kettle black批评他人者实际上有同样毛病,五十步笑百步293
357 the sword of Damocles随时都能发生动乱的威胁,眼前的灾祸;达摩克利斯的剑294
358 throw/pour/dash cold water over/on泼冷水295
359 throw dust in one's eyes迷惑某人,蒙蔽某人295
360 till/until the cows come home无限期,永远296
361 to a hair毫厘不差297
362 to death超过可以接受的程度298
363 to one's heart's content尽情地,心满意足地299
364 to the life栩栩如生,惟妙惟肖299
365 to/at the top of one's bent充分,劲力,尽情300
366 try on试穿301
367 try one's luck碰碰运气302
368 try one's hand at试做303
369 tune up调整器械状况,使恢复正常303
370 turn(sb.)off失去乐趣304
371 turn around转换方向;使好转305
372 turn/put the clock back把时钟倒拨;倒退306
373 TV dinner方便餐307
374 under one's nose当面,眼皮底下,公然308
375 underdog输者;受害者309
376 up the creek身处险境310
378 upside down颠倒着;混乱不堪311
377 up to one's neck in深陷于,沉溺于,埋头于311
379 up-and-coming日渐走红;渐有名气312
380 vanish into the blue一扫而光,不见踪影313
381 walk of life行业(不可用于疑问语气)313
382 walk off one's legs走得两腿发酸314
383 warm the cockles of one's heart使人心里欢喜;令人满意315
384 wash one's dirty linen in public公开谈论个人丑事,家丑外扬316
385 wear one's birthday suit赤条条,赤身裸体317
386 what next还会有这等荒唐事?317
387 what will be,will be该来的总会来;尽人事,听天命318
388 what with...and(what with)由于,因为319
389 white elephant无用而累赘的赠品,昂贵而累赘之物320
390 wild horses couldn't drag me away野马也拖不动我;八抬大轿都请不动我321
391 win/make a name(for oneself)出名322
392 wind up停业清理;使卷入,牵涉到322
393 wise after the event放马后炮323
394 with a good grace心甘情愿,欣然324
395 with one's tail between one's legs灰溜溜的;惊慌失措的325
396 work out健身326
397 work something down砍价327
398 worth one's salt值所付之钱327
399 wrong in the head有点疯狂328
400 you can lead a horse to water,but you can't make it drink你可以把马拉到水边,但不能强迫它喝水329
401 you can't have your cake and eat it too鱼和熊掌,不可得兼330
402 you can't take it with you生不带来,死不带去331
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