管理学原理 中英文本【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 王毅捷主编;王青副主编 著
- 出版社: 武汉:武汉理工大学出版社
- ISBN:7562922780
- 出版时间:2005
- 标注页数:512页
- 文件大小:28MB
- 文件页数:530页
- 主题词:
管理学原理 中英文本PDF格式电子书版下载
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PART Ⅰ Foundations of Management3
1 Management and Manager3
1.1 Organization3
1.1.1 Organizational Performance4
1.1.2 Organizational Goals5
1.2 Managers and Operatives7
1.3 Levels of Management7
1.3.1 First-line Managers8
1.3.2 Middle Managers8
1.3.3 Top Managers8
1.4 Managerial Functions9
1.4.1 Planning10
1.4.2 Organizing10
1.4.3 Leading11
1.4.4 Controlling11
1.5 Managerial Roles12
1.5.1 Interpersonal Roles13
1.5.2 Informational Roles13
1.5.3 Decisional Roles13
1.6 Management Skills14
1.6.1 Technical Skills14
1.6.2 Human Skills15
1.6.3 Conceptual Skills15
1.7 Management in New Century16
1.7.1 Areas of Managers16
1.7.2 Restructuring16
1.7.3 Empowerment and Self-managed Teams17
1.8 Challenges for Management in a Global Environment17
1.8.1 Building a Competitive Advantage18
1.8.2 Increasing Efficiency18
1.8.3 Increasing Quality18
1.8.4 Increasing Innovation18
1.8.5 Increasing Responsiveness to Customers19
1.8.6 Maintaining Ethical Standards19
1.8.7 Managing a Diverse Workforce19
1.8.8 Utilizing New Information Systems and Technologies20
Product Imagc of Marlboro20
2 Evolution of Management23
2.1 Historical Background24
2.2 Scientific Management26
2.2.1 Frank and Lillian Gilbreth29
2.2.2 Henry L.Gantt29
2.3 The Administrative Theory30
2.3.1 Fayol's Principles of Management31
2.3.2 The Theory of Bureaucracy34
2.4 The Human Resources Approach36
2.4.1 The Hawthorne Studies38
2.4.2 The Human Relations Movement39
2.4.3 Theory X and Theory Y39
2.4.4 Theory Z41
2.4.5 Behavioral Science Theorists42
2.5 Management Science Theory42
2.6 Contingency Theory47
2.6.1 Mechanistic and Organic Structures47
2.6.1 Globalization48
2.6.2 Workforce Diversity49
The Last-day Management Creates the Future:LDM of Little Swan49
3 The Organizational Environment59
3.1 Assessing Environmental Uncertainty60
3.2 The Organization and Its Environment61
3.2.1 The Task Environment61
3.2.2 The General Environment67
3.2.3 Influence on Management Practice70
3.3 Managing the Organizational Environment71
3.3.1 Reducing the Impact of Environmental Forces72
3.3.2 Creating an Organizational Structure and Control Systems72
3.3.3 Boundary-spanning Roles74
3.3.4 Managers as Agents of Change77
3.4 The Internationalization Process77
3.5 Managing In a Global Environment82
3.5.1 The Legal-political Environment82
3.5.2 The Economic Environment83
3.5.3 The Cultural Environment83
PART Ⅱ Planning and Decision95
4 Planning95
4.1 Concepts of Planning95
4.1.1 Mission Statement95
4.1.2 Goals98
4.1.3 Plans98
4.1.4 Strategies and Tactics99
4.1.5 Determining Resource Requirements100
4.2 The Definition of Planning101
4.3 Why Planning Is Important101
4.4 Planning and Performance102
4.5 Types of Plans103
4.5.1 Strategic Plans and Operational Plans103
4.5.2 Short-term Plans and Long-term Plans104
4.5.3 Specific Plans and Directional Plans104
4.5.4 Programmed Plans and Single-use Plans104
4.5.5 Scenario Planning105
4.6 Managing by Plan105
4.6.1 Traditional Objective Setting105
4.6.2 Management by Objectives(MBO)106
4.7 Formulating Strategy107
4.8 Levels of Strategy108
4.8.1 Corporate-level Strategy108
4.8.2 Business-level Strategy109
4.8.3 Functional-level Strategy110
4.9 The Strategic Management Process113
Cost Price Makes Galanz Microwave Oven King118
5 Strategic Management125
5.1 Grand Strategies125
5.1.1 Stability126
5.1.2 Growth126
5.1.3 Retrenchment131
5.1.4 Combination132
5.2 Formulating the Corporate-level Strategy132
5.2.1 SWOT Analysis132
5.2.2 The Five Forces Model133
5.2.3 Corporate Portfolio Matrix134
5.3 Business-level Strategy136
5.3.1 Adaptive Strategy136
5.3.2 Competitive Strategy137
5.4 Formulating Functional Strategy140
5.5 Planning Tools141
5.5.1 Types of Budgets142
5.5.2 Making Budgeting143
5.5.3 Operational Planning Tools145
The Lead of E-banking in China146
6 Decision156
6.1 What Decision Making Is156
6.2 The Decision-making Process157
6.2.1 Identifying and Diagnosing the Problem158
6.2.2 Generating Alternative Solutions158
6.2.3 Evaluating Alternatives159
6.2.4 Implementing the Decision161
6.3 The Classical Model162
6.4 The Administrative Model162
6.4.1 Bounded Rationality162
6.4.2 Incomplete Information163
6.4.3 Satisfying164
6.5 The Rational Decision Maker165
6.5.1 Assumption of Rationality165
6.5.2 Limits to Rationality165
6.5.3 Bounded Rationality167
6.6 Decision Style168
6.6.1 Cognitive Biases and Decision Making168
6.6.2 Programmed Decisions and Non-programmed Decisions170
6.6.3 Group Decision173
Why Enron Was Not Safe?178
PART Ⅲ Organizing and Decentralization183
7 Organizing183
7.1 Benefits of Organizing184
7.2 Five-step Organizing Process185
7.2.1 Reviewing Plans and Goals185
7.2.2 Determining Work Activities185
7.2.3 Classifying and Grouping Activities188
7.2.4 Assigning Work and Delegating Authority188
7.2.5 Designing a Hierarchy of Relationships189
7.3 The Vertical Dimension of Organizations191
7.3.1 Unity of Command191
7.3.2 Authority and Responsibility191
7.3.3 Span of Control193
7.3.4 Centralization and Decentralization194
7.4 The Horizontal Dimension of Organizations196
7.4.1 Division of Labor196
7.4.2 Departmentalization197
Management System with Quick Response to Changes200
8 Organizing Design210
8.1 Mechanistic and Organic Organizations210
8.1.1 Strategy and Structure211
8.1.2 Size and Structure212
8.1.3 Technology and Structure212
8.1.4 Human Resources and Structure214
8.1.5 Environment and Structure214
8.2 Organizational Structure215
8.2.1 Simple Structure215
8.2.2 Bureaucracy215
8.3 The Boundaryless Organization216
8.4 What Is Change217
8.4.1 Forces for Change217
8.4.2 The Manager as Change Agent219
8.4.3 Two Different Views on the Change Process219
8.4.4 Putting the Two Views in Perspective221
8.5 Organization Structure Design221
8.5.1 Grouping Jobs into Functions and Divisions221
8.5.2 Functional Structure221
8.5.3 Divisional Structure223
8 5.4 Matrix and Product Team Designs226
8.5.5 Hybrid Structure229
8.6 Coordinating Functions and Divisions230
8.7 Types of Integrating Mechanisms233
The Organizational Management of Samsung236
9 Human Resource Management243
9.1 Overview of the Components of HRM243
9.2 Human Resource Planning245
9.3 Recruitment and Selection246
9.3.1 External and Internal Recruitment247
9.3.2 Selection249
9.4 Training and Development252
9.4.1 Types of Training253
9.4.2 Types of Development254
9.4.3 Transfer of Training and Development255
9.5 Performance Appraisal and Feedback255
9.5.1 Types of Performance Appraisal256
9.5.2 Who Appraises Performance257
9.5.3 Effective Performance Feedback260
9.6 Labor Relations263
9.6.1 Union Influences264
9.6.2 Collective Bargaining265
9.7 Developing and Implementing HRM Practices266
9.7.1 HR Professional's Role267
9.7.2 Line Manager's Role267
The People-oriented Management Idea in Motorola268
10 Organizational Behavior271
10.1 Focus of Organizational Behavior271
10.2 Goals of Organizational Behavior272
10.2.1 Values272
10.2.2 Attitudes273
10.2.3 Personality276
10.2.4 Perception278
10.2.5 Learning280
10.2.6 Stress281
10.3 Understanding Group Behavior285
10.3.1 What Is a Group285
10.3.2 Stages of Group Development285
10.3.3 Basic Group Concepts287
Disney Culture Molds Happy Employees294
PART Ⅳ Leading and Motivation301
11 Leading301
11.1 Definition of Leadership301
11.2 The Nature of Leadership302
11.3 Managers versus Leaders303
11.4 Personal Leadership Style and Managerial Tasks303
11.4.1 Leadership Styles Across Cultures304
11.4.2 Gender and Leadership305
11.5 Power307
11.6 Leading Theories310
11.6.1 The Trait Model310
11.6.2 The Behavior Model311
11.7 Contingency Models of Leadership313
11.7.1 Fiedler's Contingency Model313
11.7.2 House's Path-goal Theory317
11.7.3 The Leader Substitutes Model319
11.7.4 Bringing It All Together320
11.8 Transformational Leadership321
11.8.1 Being a Charismatic Leader322
11.8.2 Stimulating Subordinates Intellectually323
11.8.3 Engaging in Developmental Consideration323
11.8.4 The Distinction Between Transformational and Transactional Leadership324
Role Model of"People-focused Management"—Hewlett-Packard324
12 Motivation328
12.1 The Nature of Motivation328
12.2 Learning Theories330
12.2.1 Operant Conditioning Theory331
12.2.2 Social Learning Theory335
12.3 Early Theories of Motivation336
12.3.1 Hierarchy of Needs Theory336
12.3.2 Theory X and Theory Y337
12.3.3 Motivation-hygiene Theory337
12.4 Contemporary Approaches to Motivation338
12.4.1 Three-needs Theory339
12.4.2 Goal-setting Theory340
12.4.3 Reinforcement Theory341
12.4.4 Equity Theory341
12.4.5 Expectancy Theory343
12.4.6 Integrating Contemporary Theories of Motivation344
12.5 Designing Motivation Jobs346
12.6 Pay and Motivation348
12.6.1 Salary Increase or Bonus349
12.6.2 Examples of Merit Pay Plans350
A Highly Innovation-advocating Company:3M351
PART Ⅴ Controlling and Communication357
13 Controlling357
13.1 What Is Control357
13.2 The Importance of Control357
13.3 Types of Control358
13.3.1 Feed Forward Control359
13.3.2 Concurrent Control359
13.3.3 Feedback Control359
13.4 The Control Process360
13.4.1 Establishing the Standards360
13.4.2 Measuring360
13.4.3 Comparing361
13.4.4 Taking Managerial Action362
13.5 Control Systems363
13.5.1 Market Control363
13.5.2 Behavior Control367
13.5.3 Organizational Culture and Clan Control370
13.6 Total Quality Management371
13.6.1 Improving Efficiency371
13.6.2 What Is Total Quality Management372
13.6.3 Total Quality Management and Efficiency373
13.6.4 Putting TQM into Action375
13.6.5 The Role of Top and Functional-level Managers in TQM378
Pursuing Excellency and Striving for a Better Future379
14 Communication389
14.1 What Is Communication390
14.2 The Communication Process391
14.3 Communication Media393
14.3.1 Face-to-face Communication393
14.3.2 Spoken Communication Electronically Transmitted394
14.3.3 Personally Addressed Written Communication395
14.3.4 Impersonal Written Communication396
14.4 Group Communication Networks397
14.5 Organizational Communication Networks398
14.6 Technical Advances in Communication399
14.6.1 The Internet400
14.6.2 Intranets401
14.6.3 Groupware401
14.7 Effective Communication403
14.7.1 The Role of Perception in Communication403
14.7.2 The Dangers of Ineffective Communication403
14.7.3 Barriers to Effective Communication404
14.7.4 Overcoming the Barriers406
14.8 Communication by Information System408
14.8.1 Information and the Manager's Job408
14.8.2 Types of Management Information Systems411
14.8.3 The Impact and Limitations of Information Systems415
14.8.4 Information Systems and Competitive Advantage416
Strengthening Information Management & Improving Enterprise Vitality416
1 管理与管理者426
1.1 组织426
1.2 管理者与操作者427
1.3 管理层次427
1.4 管理职能427
1.5 管理者角色428
1.6 管理技能429
1.7 全球背景下管理面临的挑战429
2 管理的演进431
2.1 历史背景431
2.2 科学管理431
2.3 一般行政管理理论432
2.4 人力资源方法433
2.5 管理科学理论434
2.6 权变理论435
3 组织环境436
3.1 环境不确定性436
3.2 组织及其环境437
3.3 组织环境的管理438
3.4 在全球环境下进行管理438
4 计划441
4.1 计划的定义441
4.2 计划的重要性441
4.3 计划和绩效441
4.4 计划的类型442
4.5 通过计划管理442
4.6 战略管理层次443
4.7 战略管理过程443
5 战略管理444
5.1 总战略445
5.2 制定公司层战略446
5.3 事业层战略447
5.4 制定职能层次战略448
5.5 计划工具449
6 决策452
6.1 决策制定过程452
6.2 古典决策模式452
6.3 有限理性决策模式453
6.4 决策类型453
7 组织456
7.1 组织的意义456
7.2 建立垂直型组织457
7.3 建立水平型组织458
案例:产业布局再添棋子 用友金融以变应变458
8 组织设计459
8.1 机械式和有机式组织459
8.2 组织的变革460
8.3 组织结构设计461
8.4 协调职能制与事业部制463
8.5 整合机制的类型464
9 人力资源管理467
9.1 人力资源管理组成部分概述467
9.2 人力资源计划467
9.3 招聘与甄选468
9.4 培训和发展470
9.5 业绩考核与反馈471
9.6 劳动关系473
10 组织行为475
10.1 组织行为学研究的对象475
10.2 对群体行为的理解478
11 领导482
11.1 领导的本质482
11.2 管理者与领导者482
11.3 个人领导风格和管理工作482
11.4 权力483
11.5 领导模型484
11.6 领导的权变模型485
11.7 领导风格转换487
12 激励489
12.1 激励的本质489
12.2 学习理论489
12.3 早期的激励理论491
12.4 当代激励理论492
12.5 报酬和激励494
13 控制496
13.1 什么是控制496
13.2 控制的重要性496
13.3 控制类型497
13.4 控制过程497
13.5 控制系统498
13.6 全面质量管理500
14 沟通505
14.1 什么是沟通505
14.2 沟通过程505
14.3 沟通媒介505
14.4 群体沟通网络507
14.5 组织沟通网络507
14.6 沟通中的技术进步507
14.7 有效沟通508
14.8 通过管理信息系统沟通509
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