
- 赵秉志主编;赵秉志,吴大华,萧中华著 著
- 出版社: 北京:法律出版社
- ISBN:7503626658
- 出版时间:1999
- 标注页数:294页
- 文件大小:11MB
- 文件页数:315页
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上编 刑法总论General Theory of the Criminal Law1
第一章 刑法概说A General Outline of the Criminal Law3
一、刑法的概念和创制Concept and Formulation of the Criminal Law3
二、刑法的体系System of the Criminal Law6
三、刑法的基本原则Basic Principles of the Criminal Law7
四、刑法的效力范围Validity of the Criminal Law10
第二章犯罪概念与犯罪构成要件Concept of Crime and Constitution of Crime17
一、犯罪概念与犯罪构成Concept of Crime and Constitution of Crime17
二、犯罪客体Object of Crime19
三、犯罪客观方面Objective Aspects of Crime23
四、犯罪主体Subject of Crime30
五、犯罪主观方面Subjective Aspects of Crime35
一、故意犯罪过程中的停止形态Suspensive Forms of Intentional Crime43
第三章 犯罪形态Form of Crime43
二、共同犯罪形态Forms of Joint Crime51
三、一罪与数罪形态Forms of Singular Crime and Plural Crimes59
第四章正当行为Legitimate Conduct71
一、正当防卫Legitimate Defence71
二、紧急避险Urgent Danger Prevention75
第五章 刑罚概说A General Outline of Penalty79
一、刑罚的概念和目的Concept and Aims of Penalty79
二、刑罚的体系和种类System and Types of Punishment81
第六章刑罚裁量Discretion of Punishments91
一、刑罚裁量的概念、原则和情节Concept,Principles and Circumstances of Discretion of Punishment91
二、刑罚裁量制度System of Discretion of Punishments94
第七章刑罚执行和刑罚消灭制度Execution of Punishments and Annihilation of Punishment107
一、刑罚执行制度System of Execution of Punishments107
二、刑罚消灭制度System of Annihilation of Punishment113
下编 罪刑各论Specific Theory of Crime and Punishment117
第八章罪刑各论概述A General Survey of Specific Theory of Crime and Punishment119
一、罪刑各论与刑法总论的关系Relations Between Specific Theory of Crime and Punishment and General Theory of the Criminal Law119
二、罪刑各论的体系System of Specific Theory of Crime and Punishment121
Facts about a Crime,Charge and Legllyprescribed punishment129
第九章危害国家安全罪Crimes of Endangering the State Security129
一、危害国家安全罪概述A General Outline of Crimes of Endangering the State Security129
二、背叛国家罪Crime of Treason131
三、间谍罪Crime of Espionage133
四、为境外窃取、刺探、收买、非法提供国家秘密、情报罪Crime of Stealing,Secretly Gathering,Buying or Provding the State Secrets136
第十章危害公共安全罪Crimes of Endangering Public Security141
一、危害公共安全罪概述A General Outline of Crimes of Endangering Public Security141
二、放火罪Crime of Setting Fires144
三、投毒罪Crime of Poisoning146
Crime of Giving Rise to Major Accidents151
五、劫持航空器罪Crime of Hijacking Airplanes151
第十一章侵犯公民人身权利、民主权利罪Crimes of Infringing upon the Basic Rights of the Person155
一、侵犯公民人身权利、民主权利罪概述A General Outline of Crimes of Infringing upon the Basic Rights of the Person155
二、故意杀人罪Crime of Intentionally Killing Another157
三、故意伤害罪Crime of Intentionally Wounding Another159
四、强奸罪Crime of Raping a Woman162
五、绑架罪Crime of Kidnapping164
六、拐卖妇女、儿童罪Crime of Abducting and Selling a Woman or a Child166
七、刑讯逼供罪Crime of Inflicting Torture to Cocrce a Statement169
八、诬告陷害罪Crime of Accusing Falsely and Framing Another Person171
九、破坏选举罪Crime of Sabotaging Elections173
十、重婚罪Crime of Committing Bigamy175
第十二章破坏社会主义市场经济秩序罪Crimes of Undermining the Economic Order179
一、破坏社会主义市场经济秩序罪概述A General Outline of Crimes of Undermining the Economic Order179
二、生产、销售伪劣产品罪Crime of Producing and Selling False or Poor Products183
三、走私罪Crime of Engaging in Smuggling184
四、侵犯著作权罪Crime of Voilation of Copyright190
五、假冒注册商标罪Crime of Falsely Passing off Trademarks192
六、假冒专利罪Crime of Falsely Passing off Patents194
七、偷税罪Crime of Evading Taxes196
八、虚开增值税专用发票、用于骗取出口退税、抵扣税款发票罪Crime of Falsely Making out a Value-added-tax Bill198
九、伪造货币罪Crime of Counterfeiting Currency201
十、虚报注册资本罪Crime of Obtaining a Company Registered by Making a False Report on its Registered Capital203
十一、票据诈骗罪Crime of Fraud of Bank Bill205
十二、洗钱罪Crime of Money Londering207
十三、合同诈骗罪Crime of Contractual Fraud210
第十三章侵犯财产罪Crimes of Property Violation213
一、侵犯财产罪概述A General Outline of Crimes of Property Violation213
二、抢劫罪Crime of Robbery215
三、盗窃罪Crime of Theft220
四、诈骗罪Crime of Swindling222
五、侵占罪Crime of Conversion of Property225
第十四章妨害社会管理秩序罪Crimes of Disrupting the Order of Social-Administration229
一、妨害社会管理秩序罪概述A General Outline of Crimes of Disrupting the Order of Social Administration229
二、妨害公务罪Crime of Obstructing State Personnel from Carrying out their Function According to Law234
三、伪证罪Crime of Perjury236
四、脱逃罪Crime of Escaping238
五、窝藏、包庇罪Crime of Harbouring or Protecting Criminal Elements241
六、招摇撞骗罪Crime of Cheating and Bluffing242
七、引诱、容留、介绍卖淫罪Crime of Luring,Sheltering or Introducing Women to Prostitute244
八、走私、贩卖、运输、制造毒品罪Crime of Smuggling,Selling,transporting or Manufacturing Dangerous Drugs245
九、组织他人偷越国(边)境罪Crime of Organizing Other Persons Secretly to Cross the National Boundary(or Borderline)248
十、妨害国境卫生检疫罪Crime of Violating National Border Health and Quarantine Regulations249
十一、侮辱国旗、国徽罪Crime of Insulting National Flag and Emblem251
十二、入境发展黑社会组织罪Crime of Entering and Recruiting Black Society s Members253
第十五章危害国防利益罪Crimes of Endangering National Defence255
一、危害国防利益罪概述A General Outline of Endangering National Defence255
二、阻碍军人执行职务罪Crime of Obstructing Soldier on Duty257
三、破坏武器装备、军事设施、军事通信罪Crime of Sabotaging Arms Equipment,Military Facilities and Military Communication258
四、战时拒绝、逃避服役罪Crime of Resisting and Shirking Service259
第十六章 贪污贿赂罪Crime of Corruption and Bribery261
一、贪污贿赂罪概述A General Outline of Corruption and Bribery261
二、贪污罪Crime of Corruption263
三、贿赂罪Crime of Bribery267
一、渎职罪概述A General Outline of Dereliction of Duty273
第十七章渎职罪Crime of Dereliction of Duty273
二、滥用职权罪Crime of Misusing Power275
三、玩忽职守罪Crime of Neglect of Duty276
四、徇私枉法罪Crime of Engaging in Self-seeking Misconduct278
第十八章军人违反职责罪Crimes against Military Benefits281
一、军人违反职责罪概述A General Outline of Crimes against Military Benefits281
二、武器装备肇事罪Crime of Giving Rise to an Accident Concerning Weaponry283
三、故意泄露军事秘密罪、过失泄露军事秘密罪Crime of Disclosing or Losing Military Secrets285
四、擅离、玩忽军事职守罪Crime of Absence Without Leave or Neglect of Duty287
五、阻碍执行军事职务罪Crime of Interference with the Exercise of Duty288
六、盗窃武器装备、军用物资罪Crime of Stealing weaponry or Military Goods290
七、战时自伤罪Crime of Self-injury292
八、战时临阵脱逃罪Crime of Fleeing Just Before a Battle293
九、战时违抗命令罪Crime of Defying War Orders294
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