
- 沈华浩主编 著
- 出版社: 杭州:浙江大学出版社
- ISBN:7308035174
- 出版时间:2003
- 标注页数:454页
- 文件大小:41MB
- 文件页数:470页
- 主题词:呼吸系统疾病-文集
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A causative relationship exists between eosinophils and the development of allergic pulmonary pathologies in the mouse Shen Hua-hao,Sergei Ochkur,Michael P,et al.1
The effects of intranasal budesonide on allergen-induced production of inter leukin-5 and eotaxin, airways,blood,and bone marrow eosinophilia,and eosinophil progenitor expansion in sensitized mice Shen Hua-Hao,O'Byrne PM,Ellis R,et al.16
Comparison of bronchodilating and anti-inflammatory activities of oral formoterol and its(R,R) -enatiomers Xie Qiang-Min,Chen Ji-Qiang,Shen Wen-Hui,et al.29
Ectopic expression of IL-5 identifies an additional CD4+T cell mechanism of airway eosinophil recruitment Crosby J.R,Shen Hua-Hao,Borchers M.T,et al.34
Association of cytokine responses with disease severity in infants with respiratory syncytial virus infection Chen Zhi-Min,Mao JH,Tang YM47
Inhibition of human phosphodiesterase 4A expressed in yeast cell GL62 by theophylline,rolipram,and acetamide-45 Wang Kai,Chen Ji-Qiang,Chen Zhong,et al.58
Analysis of the GM-CSF and GM-CSF/IL-3/IL-5 receptor common beta chain in a patient with pulmonary alveolar proteinosis Wang Xuan-Ding,Liu Fu-Guang,Burkhard Bewig64
Effects of cyclosporin A by on aerosol airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammation in guinea pigs Xie Qiang-Min,Chen Ji-Qiang,Shen Wen-Hui,et al.70
Correlative changes of interferon-γ and interleukin-4 between cortical layer and pulmonary airway of sensitized rats Xie Qiang-Min,Chen Ji-Qiang,Shen Wen-Hui,et al.75
Pharmacological actions of tetrandrine in inflammatory pulmonary disease Xie Qiang-Min,Tang Hui-Fang,Chen Ji-Qiang,et al.80
Acetamide-45 inhibits histamine and methacholine-induced contraction of isolated guinea pig trachea Lu Yun-Bi,Chen Zhong,Wu Ming86
VCAM-1 expression,eosinophil infiltration,and pharmacological modulation in rat allergic airway inflammation Kang Hua,Wei Er-Qing,Yang Xiao-Hong.et al.91
Inhaled nitric oxide in preterm and term neonates with hypoxemic respiratory failureand and persistent pulmonary hypertension Du Li-Zhong,Shi Li-Ping,Sun Mei-Yue.et al.96
Detection of bacterial DNA by PCR and reverse hybridization in the 16S Rrna gene with particular reference to neonatal septicemia Shang S,Chen Z,Yu X101
Inhibition by nociceptin on excitation non-adrenergic non-cholinegic response in guinea pig airways Fang Li-Ben,Wu Yin,Zhang Li-Fan,et al.107
Nociceptin inhibits electric field stimulation-induced choliergic constriction in rat airways Wu Yin,Fang Li-Ben,Yang Qiu-Huo112
GM-CSF and GM--CSFβc receptor in adult patients with pulmonary alveolar proteinosis Bewig B,Wang Xuan-Ding,Kirsten D,et al.116
Bronchodilating effects of bambuterol on bronchoconstriction in guinea pigs Xie Qiang-Min,Zeng Ling-Hui,Zheng Yi-Xiong,et al.127
A single stranded DNA-binding protein ssCRE-BP/Pur,in Rat Lung and Its increase in allergic airway inflammation Wei Er-Qing,Yasuyuki I,Kuo Che-Hui.131
Effect of SR-140333,a neurokinin-1 receptor antagonist,on airway reactivity to methacholine in sedated rats Ting Jiong,Wei Er-Qing,Chen Ji-Su,et al.140
Effects of ONO-1078,a leukotriene antagonist,on capsaicin-and substance P-induced bronch-oconstriction and airway microvascular leakage in guinea pigs Wei Er-Qing,Liu Jun-Wei,Zhang Li-Fen,et al.145
Inhibitory effect of tetrandrine on C fiber activation-induced contractions in trachea and bronchus of guinea pig Fang Li-Ben,Yang Qiu-Huo,Bian Ru-Lian149
Colforsin or imidazolidione potentiates cAMP elevation caused by endothelin-1 in aorta Zhou Han-Liang,Ronald RF152
Mediator difference in contractions between trachea and bronchus of guinea pig induced by stimu-lation of C-fibers in vitro Fang Li-Ben,Yang Qiu-Huo,Bian Ru-Lian157
Association between leukotriene B4-induced phospholipase D activation and degranulation of human neutrophils Zhou-Han-Liang,Marie CF,James JF,et al.160
Vascular permeability increased by histamine aerosol,capsaicin,and electric stimulation of vagus nerves in guinea pigs Wei Er-Qing,Bian Ru-Lian174
Effect of lung inflation on regional lung expansion in supine and prone rabbits Yang Qiu-Huo,Stephen J177
Relationship between cyclic guanoside monophosphate accumulation and relaxation of canine trachealis induced by nitrovasodilators Zhou Han-Liang,Theodore JT187
Agonist-related difference in the relationship between cAMP content and protein kinase activity in canine trachealis Zhou Han-Liang,Stephen JN,Theodore JT198
Bronchoconstriction and delayed rapid shallow breathing induced by cigarette smoke inhalation in anesthetized rats Fang Li-Ben,Morton RF,Alan L.,Wang AL,et al.211
Effect of positive airway pressure on capillary transit time in rabbit lung Wang Ping-ming,Yang Qiu-Huo,Stephen J LF220
Regional variations in lung expansion in rabbits:prone vs.supine positions Yang Qiu-Huo,Mark RK,Stephen J.230
鼠白介素-12质粒对小鼠哮喘模型气道炎症及细胞因子的影响 李和权,邵传森,谢强敏238
母牛分枝杆菌菌苗对哮喘豚鼠气道收缩和炎症反应的影响 赵晓燕,谢强敏,陈季强等242
室外大气污染与支气管哮喘 王苹莉,沈华浩247
二氧化硅致人单核细胞THP-1核因子-кB活化定位改变研究 周建娅,毛国根,唐法娣等250
严重急性呼吸综合征 沈华浩253
SARS发病机制研究近况 沈华浩,丁礼仁257
前降钙素在小儿肺炎的检测及临床意义 祝国红,王财富,罗社声等260
细胞角蛋白19mRNA定量检测在鉴别胸腔积液性质中的作用 徐峰,张雪华,陈杰等262
临床相关因素对呼吸机相关性肺炎预后的影响 周畔,何红,刘敬东等264
冬虫夏草对慢性阻塞性肺疾病大鼠Thl/Th2类细胞因子平衡的干预作用 刘进,童旭峰,管彩虹等269
非小细胞肺癌外周血T淋巴细胞活化抗原表达的临床研究 陈清勇,王雪芬,周建英271
非小细胞肺癌外周血CD44和CD54表达的定量研究 陈清勇,周建英,吴玉泉等274
非小细胞肺癌DNA含量与Fas/Apo-1抗原表达的相关性研究 俞万均,周建英,邱会林278
耐氟喹诺酮类肺炎克雷伯菌GyrA和ParC的变异 章建立,姚航平,周建英等282
超广谱β内酰胺酶分子流行病学研究 胡丽华,周建英,吴佳丽等287
临床常用的β内酰胺酶抑制剂能否治疗产Ⅰ型头孢菌素酶细菌的感染 王选锭,沈华浩291
流式细胞仪检测呼吸道合胞病毒感染患儿的细胞因子反应及其临床意义 陈志敏,杜立中,毛建华等293
致敏小鼠抗原激发后肺局部免疫反应的研究 沈华浩,刘进,刘富光等295
微卡对致敏小鼠气道炎症和Th1/Th2比例变化的影响 谢强敏,卞如濂,吴康松等299
肺泡微石症一家系四例 汪慧英,蒋珍妮,沈华浩303
胸痛—咳嗽—发热—气急—两下肺阴影(Ⅰ) 应可净,陈恩国,周畔等305
胸痛—咳嗽—发热—气急—两下肺阴影(Ⅱ) 应可净,陈恩国,周畔等307
小儿中性粒细胞CD11b表达及其临床意义 罗社声,汤永民,陈莲香310
呼吸机相关性肺炎病原学检查的研究 周畔,方力争,吴晓红312
红霉素、磷霉素对铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜体外作用的研究 徐志豪,刘富光,王选锭314
一氧化氮吸入治疗在儿科危重病中的应用 杜立中317
粒-巨噬细胞集落刺激因子在肺泡蛋白沉积症患者中的表达 王选锭,罗发满,刘富光320
急性肺炎患儿血清可溶性细胞间粘附分子1及白细胞介素6的变化及临床意义 罗社声,陈黎勤,江佩芳324
耐甲氧西林葡萄球菌的DNA探针杂交检测 周建英,俞云松,沈萍326
儿童慢性咳嗽的诱导痰的改变 陈小友,忻学英,顾伟忠328
哮喘大鼠抗原激发后嗜酸细胞迁移的研究 汪慧英,沈华浩330
哮喘免疫治疗的新进展 沈华浩,朱元珏332
非小细胞肺癌化学治疗与血清sAPO-1/Fas,NO的变化 周建英,朱旗,姚杭平334
低浓度NO吸入对兔低氧性肺动脉高压的作用 马晓路,杜立中,孙眉月338
低浓度一氧化氮及妥拉苏林对兔低氧性肺动脉高压的作用比较 马晓路,杜立中,孙眉月341
一氧化氮吸入治疗新生儿持续肺动脉高压 孙眉月,杜立中,施丽萍345
老年吸烟者肺癌H-ras基因突变的研究 应可净,刘富光,张行348
端粒重复序列扩增聚合酶链反应检测肺刷落细胞端粒酶活性 张行,应可净,刘富光351
16SrRNA基因PCR加反相杂交技术检测细菌DNA 尚世强,洪文澜,俞惠民353
非小细胞肺癌支气管脱落细胞中H-ras基因突变的检测 应可净,黄刚,刘富光357
纤维支气管镜直视下肺刷落细胞端粒酶活性的检测 张行,应可净,蔡心函359
24小时食管pH值监测在小儿支气管哮喘诊治中的应用 江米足,考验,欧弼悠363
肺癌纤维支气管镜脱落细胞中H-ras基因突变的研究 应可净,刘富光,张行367
小儿哮喘与胃食管返流的研究 考验,江米足,俞锡林371
卡托普利增强豚鼠气道C神经纤维兴奋所致的收缩反应 方理本,马晓路,池丽芬374
重症新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征患儿吸入一氧化氮后肺血流与氧合动脉变化 杜立中,孙眉月,颜艳玲377
健康人肺抗原免疫后肺局部及血清特异IgA反应的比较研究 沈华浩,华燕吟,刘富光380
哮喘易感基因与染色体11q13的连锁分析 陈小友,唐佩文,郦云384
哮喘患者IgE反应性研究 陈小友,唐佩文,郦云388
大鼠后肢热诱导的缓激肽和P物质的释放 唐法娣,米原典史,今井康夫等392
国产环丙沙星注射液治疗呼吸道感染54例临床疗效分析 王选锭,刘富光,吴俊景等395
支气管哮喘嗜碱粒细胞释放能力测定的临床意义 沈华浩,刘富光,胡月梅397
酮替芬对人血中性粒细胞呼吸爆发和细胞内游离钙离子的影响 辛小华,卞如濂400
肺癌患者血浆、支气管灌洗液TXB2和6-Keto-PGF1a测定的临床意义 刘富光,林小莉,刘进等404
中性粒细胞对肥大细胞组胺释放的影响 王瑶尘,卞如濂,周汉良406
酮替芬对兔血小板聚集和大鼠中性粒细胞血小板激活因子生成的影响 王选锭,卞如濂409
支气管哮喘病人嗜碱粒细胞释放能力和气道反应性的研究 沈华浩,黄定九,许以平等412
粉防己碱对大鼠嗜中性白细胞胞浆游离钙的影响 洪巨伦,周汉良,卞如濂415
婴幼儿肺炎红细胞免疫粘附功能与T细胞活性E玫瑰花结形成率的测定 唐佩文,黄萍,张菊英等420
哮喘和正常人嗜碱粒细胞释放能力的研究 沈华浩,黄定九,许以平等422
哮喘患儿血中白细胞糖皮质激素受体及cAMP含量的测定 唐佩文,潘存梅,裘克文等426
噻哌酮对β受体激动剂气道扩张效应的增强作用 魏尔清,唐法娣,卞如濂429
狗过敏性哮喘模型及异丙肾上腺素的作用 卞如濂,杨秋火,谢强敏等432
肺心病药物治疗的几个问题 卞如濂435
艾叶油平喘成分——萜品烯醇的药理研究 卞如濂,杨秋火,耿宝琴等443
成人粟粒型肺结核100例临床分析 黄文礼,严美玲,沈兰珍448
肺癌的诊断与治疗——403例临床分析) 王一丁,刘富光,余心如451
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